Ever since September 200?, I have been photographing mai local skool! Here r sum of teh photos I've taken, categorized 4 ur convenience. I named teh photography project Fast Times after sum other high school rel8d media, n plus teh old student photographer called her thing "photos by Izzie" n dat just sounded generic.

Dis project aims 2 show off teh skool, n mai photos have even been praised by teh CEO of teh company dat runs our skool!

Please also view these on deviantART n Flickr, itd mean a lot!

Schooltime Sillies

Humorous photos, usually featuring Neo n Smith plushies

Smith sitting on a shelf w a bag of grapes. MUNCHMUNCHMUNCH.

Neo investig8ng a kid's PSP

Smith sulks in teh corner while Neo searches 4 books

Smith on teh rainbow hammock, all cozy (─‿‿─)♡


I mean, does any other school just have kittens running around?

Wilma, when I had 2 go home early n I went 2 teh nurse's office 2 play w her until I felt better. She iz no longer @ teh skool as of writing

Another photo of Wilma dat iz significantly less closeup

Zoey, another cat dat does not reside here @ teh skool anymore :(

I can't remember which cat dis iz, guessing its Wilma tho

Ricky when he wuz a tiny lil critter...also no longer @ teh skool, obviously.

Minnie in a blanket during her 1st week out of teh crib

Sassy lil Lucy n her buddy Ricky. I think u can guess dis 1

Crawling in my skin...


Lilly, now older!

Those lil pleading eyes O^O

1 of mai fave photos of Lilly, she's so stretched out n chill

Wilma on Nurse T's lap

Wilma in MAI lap

I have no good caption 4 dis 1

I can't remember if his name wuz Squints or Fred

Wilma in a toy box

Wilma w a worm

The Great Outdoors

Photos taken outside of teh skool

Teh statues outside of teh skool dressed up 4 Halloween. They spin around!

Sum trees dat grow around teh skool area

Teh playground where teh preschoolers play, I wish I could hang around there 1 day!

A photo taken around teh end of teh day while I waited 4 every1 2 get out of teh building. I have no clue where teh other buses went

An arrow painted on teh road

I don't know whether 2 put dis in outdoors or PE :/


Photos taken during PE class

I question why dis 1 has its own section

Disorienting Nostalgia



Photos of random empty spaces around teh skool 2 make u feel like ur wandering around it during a time where it'd b absurd 2 stay in skool

Teh door of our classroom

Teh photo which made meh fall in luv w shutter priority

Sumtimes they leave teh skool tv on n play Magic School Bus

Teh entrance 2 teh skool, w a brand new water fountain n a festive autumn scarecrow...I think his name wuz Jack or Scraps

Secretary's office

A corner of teh lowest floor, take a lil peak. I dont go here bcuz well...I dont take teh elev8r, ever

Teh isol8n corner did not help matters

OT room

Moar OT room stuff, dis must've been taken around halloween time bcuz why else would there b spiders right there?

Here's the printer...this should be you....

*scoff* social skills r EVUL!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another photo taken 2 relieve maiself of teh agonizing rollercoaster of pain known as social skills class

Principal's office


Everything I wuz 2 lazy 2 categorize

Fluorescent light cover in a room

Quote on a wall

Teh next trend in fashion; Paperclip nails!

Average schooltime meal of mine

Anothr school quote

A coloring page of Mimi teh kitty I put up in mai locker

On teh bus, so early it looks like night!