Woooooo! I did it, after like, i dunno, 100 YEARS of debating on it, I finally started an LTE! Longest Text Ever, where all I do iz just type n type! Like 4 when i wanna upd8 mai website but have nothing 2 do, I just go over here. Lets get started n immedi8l;y jump in2 TEH MOST INSANE SHIT YOU HAVE EVER HEARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Over teh weekend, mai parents invited their frens Julia n Mike over, we got drunk (except 4 meh, im 2 young 2 drink n i think alcohool iz gross, trust meh, i snuck a few sips b4, how do adults get addicted 2 dat shit?), I had a Monster Energy, n we watche dharry potter n lord of teh rings. After our lotr marathon we played a funny card game n Dad suffoc8d nearly 2 death, he just slumped over n started convulsing. Had 2 call teh police, it wuz sum scary shit! Teh day after (w00t, dad survived!!!), I had a fun day out on teh town. 1st off, I got 2 have breakfast @ IHOP n realized way 2 late dat I wanted Denny's instead. Regardless, both meh n mai father both luvd it Mom demanded I get new running shoes 4 gym, which Dad complied n bought meh sum skechers, but I RLLLLLYYYYYYY wanted a pair of DCShoes so we got a pair of DCshoes. I also went in2 an evil thrift store. Now prepare mai children, for teh tale of teh evil thrift store. As I left teh car, I noted a Treasure Hunt Deeals store. I have never heard of Treasure Hunt Deals before, so after a bit of dillydallying, my father took me there. It was horrible, horrible I say! People were fighting and employees were standing at the gate BEGGING you to tell them if you were gonna open any "mYsTERy BoXEs" while you were there, because opening these stupid boxes apparently means DEATH!!!!!!!! They care more about you opening the boxes than the poor fella who just got his eye ripped straight from the socket by a rabid Craigslister. The floors were covered in nondescript Amazon boxes thar tell you absolutely nothing about what was inside of them, meaning you could've missed out on the best thing ever...like a teddy bear cursed by Satan. Needless to say, me and my father ran out of there like cheetahs. Then we went to HomeGoods to cleanse our agonized eyes and ears. Dad wanted to go to Hobby Lobby, buit I pointed out that it was a Sunday, n Hobby Lobby iz closed on Sundays, so we were stuck in HomeGoods looking 4 a shelf 2 put on mai wall. We didn;t find 1, wat we did find, wuz a lazy susan n a hello kitty soap dispenser. Finally, we stopped @ teh wonderufl godly Menards n bought sum shelves + root beer. Wat a crazy day! N look! WORDS! WORDSSS!!!! I LOVE TYPING WORDS!!!!!!!!!! And it makes dis pointless wall of text even longer, longer wall of text = good...I think. Mayb I'll go now... I'm back! Did u know I went 2 a concert over teh weekend? Yes, it is now Tuesday, but it appears that I have forgotten to tell you. I saw Hinder, sum guy named Daughtry who was on AMerican Idol, Breaking Benjamin, n Staind! Twas mai very 1st time @ TweeterCenter n I luvd it! First off was Hinder, whom NOBODY even wanted 2 c, but they were nonetheless a welcome addition 2 teh concert lineup. Not much 2 say bout them. Then came Daughtry, who covered Deftones n Chris 4got his lyrics on a song (ROFLMAO), while also displaying his admiration for the fog machine. He was very enjoyable, tho not as good as teh real thing. He also called out pretentious ppl right b4 he left teh concert, which wuz kewl. ARound dis point, a woman named Katie came up 2 meh n started telling meh bout her life. I thought she wusz pretty kewl. Katie talked bout lotsa things w meh, n then she promptly vanished myateriously 4 teh rest of the concert. If u r a woman w 2 10 year old kids n u have tattoos all over ur body 2 honor them, n ur hair is blue n purple, n ur name iz Katie, just want u 2 know dat Sophia frum teh breaking benjamin concert says hello! I remember how crazy Breakinmg Ben wuz, they RLYYYYY put on a show 4 us, including an attempted hypnosis of teh audience, n Agent Smith's attempted assimil8on of teh band members. Those trippy hypno spirals over teh drums still show up in mai head. When Breaking Ben played Polyamorous, I went INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U shoulda heard meh! After Breaking Ben came Staind, n frankly they kinda sucked. The guitarist's guitar broke, every1 wuz already leaving when he wuz done singing Outside, n there were guys selling shirts w 4ged autographs outside 4 half price. I almost got a mudshovel tapestry but I decided against it, a choice dat I now regret. It felt like I wuz truly alive 4 teh 1st time in mai life, n 4 these past 3 days I have been 2 happy 2 cxare bout anything! Well, I'm back. 2day I got 2 go 2 Spirit Halloween. Its a rly fun Halloween store dat pops up in abanndoned buildings. 1 time it popped up in teh old Kids R Us n it felt unreal! So, anyways, while we were @ Spirit, I wuz lookin around 4 an elf circlet. I l8r learned they dont have any elvish halloween costumes, but I tried explaining 2 mai stubborn mom dat Elrond frum LOTR essentially wears an upside down tiara n she just bitched n bitched bout it. But i soon grew 2 understand bcuz she iz in a rly shitty shape. But anyways we ended up getting these kewl Jack Skellington lawn bags n sum awesum decorations. I hope we can put them up soon. When I wuz 10, Dad hid all our halloween decorations as deep in2 our crawlspace as humanly possible n I h8 him 4 dat. Next year Mom says we'll go ALL OUT2days entry iz bout...teh obsession I have w teh microscope sliders our school has, n how our science lab has b-come a time capsule. So, since Monday we've been toying around w microscopes in mai class, n we have old sliders frum like either teh 70s or 60s, n get dis: 1 of them has EXTINCT bacteria in it. Dat's right, extinct. I looked @ it under teh microscope n saw...ITS STILL ALIVE. N considering teh brutal process 4 preserving those things, its so resilient I dunno how it went extinct! N keep in mind, it's been living encased in glass 4 like wat, 50 years? Guess dat shows u just how much bacteria can live through! Crazy ain't it? I also decided 2 follow mai teacher in2 teh science storage room n saw teh Glaggle classific8on I wrote 2 years ago still on teh chalkboard, n I decided 2 redraw teh glugline (Dogw a deep growl) n gleeline (Cat dat plays teh trumped) 4 old times sake! Yes, I know I should've said broke, but saying breaked instead sounded better. 

Hm, sorry if I seem peeved. Today, my science teacher went a bit easy on us and instead of doing boring physics, we instead got to learn about THE HUMAN BRAIN!!!!!!! And now, I can safely say that I have brainphobia…wait, does such thing exist as being afraid of your own brain? I mean, my brain is CONTROLLING me and I don’t like the idea that I”M not in control of my own life. Wait, no such thing as brainphobia? Hm, guess autophobia will just have to settle for now. But I am officially upset at my own brain. But if I’m typing this with my brain, that must mean I can control MY OWN brain? Well brain, I think you need to STOP BEING TIRED! Oh…it didn’t work. Hm, stupid brain, controllin’ me. Well, at least its okay with me ranting about how much I hate it. And there it is just sitting in my skull, probably giggling to itself like a shitface

Yayyy, I'm back. Mai fren Sebastian asked meh wat a Menards iz, so i dedic8 dis segment of teh LTE 2 Sebastian....Menards is a beacon of home improvement greater than Lowes and Home Depot combined, the walls are lined with gadgets and gizmos, and some shelves even have a mysterious sludge that may or may not turn you into Agent Smith from the 2003 Sci Fi Action flick known as The Matrix Reloaded. They also serve rly damn gewd root beer called Sprecher, but Sprecher also makes different kinds of sodas, I like their puma kola, which iz just german coca cola essentially. If you like incessant banjo music, the color green, home improvement, and hacing mental breakdowns, Menard's is the place 4 u! Its a midwestern thang, so sorry 4 all Califronians n New Yorkers who STALK meh! :/ sorry dat u dont have a Menards 2 call ur own. TGhis message was sponsered bvy thre vampirefreaks cult KMFDM_SUX, we accept baby bats! 2day, I have a thing 2 rant bout. How companies made mint flavoring EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I like mint flavored candy, 2 preface dis, but watever dis twisted, "refreshing" mint flavoring iz iz fucked up. 2day I was brushing mai teeth (Rarest thing 4 meh 2 b doin) n mai mouth b-gan 2 BURN frum teh mintiness. So I went 2 grab mouthwash 2 get teh sickening mint out of mai mouth, N IT WUZ MINT FLAVORED 2. I GET IT UR MINT N UR HURTING MEH!!!!! They're trying 2 make it minty so ur breath smells good I tink, but can I have good breath w/o turning mai mouth into a fucking icicle? IZ DAT 2 MUCH 2 ASK 4, TOOTHPASTE COMPANY? HUH? HUH?! Im 2 tired, g2g! Wow, dis iz getting pretty long! Totally 1337! N I'm back! I wanna tell u bout a strange thing dat happened teh other day. So recently, mai family went broke. Yep, its true! We own teh st8 of Kentucky (or @ least a part of it) yet we r still broke. Mayb bcuz all teh ppl dat live in teh part of Kentucky we own r broke hillbillies who make a living selling random shit @ flea markets. I havent been 2 Kentucky since 2004, but I remember last time I wuz there I bought a few Matrix figurines! But bcuz we r broke, dat means we can no longer afford things such as objects n stuff. Ok, so u get teh point. Rich family goes broke. Dad leaves teh house randomly 1 day, returns hours later w lunch. But WAIT! He got moar than luinch! He got meh an N64 w Resident Evil 2, Super Mario 64, n Ocarina of Time,  n ANOTHER Neo figurine! U know wat I find ironic n hilariou. Agent Smith iz mai FAVE Matrix character, but I have moar Neo figurines than Smith figurines. Funny how thinks work ot huh? Well, I'mm back w wonderful news. I finally finished Return of the King! After a whole year,, I finally did finished teh LOTR Trilogy! I've been waiting 4 dis moment 4 mai whole life! Mom's taking meh 2 teh mall 2morrow n im gonna pick up silmarilion! Yeh...I'm back, n im feelin alll wooozy....OooOooOOoo... well, 2day I'm gonna rant bout badminton along w mai trip 2 teh mall. Well...badmintion. A very strange sport. It's mnjust like tennis if tennis wuz total dogshit. U ahve 2 hit a "birdie" w a tennis raclet over a volleyball net. Least dats how mai skool does it. N I think the worst thing bout tennis is SERVING. I think Hybrid's got a point about  volleyball, I've heard her rant about how much she hates serving in volelyball, well oh boy is she gonna HATE badminton. Last week when we played at skool,m I eventually gave up on the racquet n started serving w mai hand. I've tried many different methods of serving, but I guess wat I call "Bounce n Hit" iz mai fave, where I place teh shuttlecock (every1 else calls it a birdie but i like teh name shuttlecock moar lolzzz) on teh racket, flip the racket up, n hit teh shuttlecock! Speaking of shuttlecocks n birdies, I also gave mai PE teacher teh idea of badminton where instead of a shuttlecock we use a dead baby bird...muahahahahaah!!!!! Well, dats basically it 4 tod-Wait, you wanna hear about mai mall trip too? Fine, I guess. Yesterday, I had 2 get remeasured 4 a bra, especially bcuz after a solid year, I finally noticed a creepy guy looking @ meh during teh video mai dad took @ teh concert, n coincidentially dis wuz teh same day mai aunt took meh 2 teh mall, so we had quite a bit of fun mallin around. I got to try Quencher's. And it was good. Quencher's has been there longer than anybody can remember, so why not try it out? Mai taste in ice cream flavors scares pppl in a weird way. Take 4 example, moose tracks n rainbow sherbet. Here @ Quencher's, I indulged in cotton candy n milky way bar w oreo pieces. After I almost threw up in teh food court, I crawled over to Zumiez and proceeded to buy 2 pairs of JNCOs that I learned were too small 5 hours later. After that, I went 2 Hot Topic bcuz I finally decided on a Halloween costume. AGENT. ELROND. I got a rly kewl pair of elf ears n a few kyoot collectibles! Then I waddled 2 radio shack n blew watever money I had left on CDs. Then i went home n wallowed in mai oroom til it wuz time 2 go 2 JMK Nippon, a Japanese restaurant by mai house. Just like always, I got teriyaki bento, but dis time, sumthn not normal happened...I SPILLED MY FUCKING MISO ALL OVER MYSELF. HOW FUCKING AWESOME IS THAT!!??!?!?!?  I BTW, lemme tell u bout vacation, n how a band called *drumroll*...Revolting Cocks took over mai life.

We had 2 wake up @ teh ass of dawn n sat around 4 like 30 minutes, n there I wuz w mai bright n colorful lil tablet playing bright n colorful flash movies on Newgrounds, but mai mom's calling meh so b back in a second. Im baaaaaack! Then i huddled in2 teh car n teh next 5 hours went smoothly, read mai book n gazed out teh window longingly. Not much 2 say except I found a gas station built in Windows 95w candy so sharp i suffocated on it n cut open mai throat, we waited 4 5 mins 4 our food @ a DQ n I ended up sitting outside 4 teh last 2 bcuz i wuz sweaty n needed 2 take mai hoodie off. Did u know mai soda just turned 2 pure fizz? Okay, no? We get 2 teh cabin, nobody's there. i go 2 check if any1's there after over 2 hours of trying 2 organize mai part of teh cabin, n out of nowhere teh guy who wuz overstaying in teh cabin, a blindelderly hillbilly comes SPEEDING DOWN TEH ROAD. N I wuz directly in front of him, I jumped out of teh way SO quickly, n a bunch of lil kids rushed over n asked meh if I wuz okay n blew cold air frum a robot kitty portable fan on2 mai face (none other than teh neighbors kids. Then mai family sitting by teh campfire started screaming n asking if i wuz ok, which I responded 2 w a barely visible thumbs up. Shannon wuz there n she hugged meh tight nshowed meh all teh snacks she bought 4 meh. I thought moving in w them would b good so i started packing all over again n after eating total dogshit pizza (mai parents worship barbecue chicken pizza), we drove 2 a stuffy lil cabin n I spent teh night watching reruns of The A-Team n Emergency while complaining 2 mai fren Damian bout how every1 iz starting 2 look like hugo weaving bcuz i kept hallucin8ng ppl on Emergency were Hugo Weaving. I fell asleep l8 dat night 2 teh news mai aunt wuz buying meh an Agent Smith print water bottle, n we giggled over Dora the Destroyer teh next day, while I wuz cramped in a stuffy, sweaty house w Tiny Toons playing on teh TV n I ranted 2 mai grandpa bout how they shouldve played TTA on Cartoon Network instead of Nickelodeon, n mai grandpa started singing old songs frum teh 1800s while Tiny Toons played (if im correct it wuz teh Test Stress episode) but it wuz 2 stuffy in there so I had 2 move all mai stuff AGAIN n im gettng tired so seeyA. Ok, halloween! Went as trinity n got TONS of candy (n 2 full sized bags of chips 4 watever reason O_o oh yah, I got an idea when watching teh matrix reloaded, actually i had teh idea 4 many years n even mai very 1st matrix request wuz a story of it happening), but a woman watches teh matrix reloaded 1 day, but those GODDAMN smith clones r staring @ her 4 a rly long time...N after half an hour, she...erm...he looks completely different, but exactly those men who looked @ her 4 so long...nhis sense of purpose iz blurred...Heyyyy im back! I have 2 things 2 say. 1 iz bout mulch, teh other iz bout Juicy Couture. Mulch. Mulch. Mulch! I lurve mulch! its delicious! Eating mulch made meh realize im rly a daughter of teh loam, n I deserve 2 b swimmin through silt, Spell it w meh! M-U-L-C-H! N bout Juicy Couture, its these rly fancy n cute clothes n I think they're an EVUL company taking over teh world, but they can do it bcuz it looks cute! Just 2day I drew a lil anthro cow girl in a juicy couture sweater n sweatpants combo, w a juicy couture bracelet on her tail, like teh 1 I got @ a roadside shop on our way 2 Tennessee back in 2006! C? Juicy's been doin dis shit 4 awhile, taking over teens everywhere since 1996! Just teh other day I went on a shopping trip w mai dad n I spotted a Juicy Couture Monopoly game. U did NOT misread dat, they r making juicy couture an inevitable part of girls everywhere, just like Rave stores. Did u know dat mai local mall only recently shut down their Rave stores? I remember goin in2 rave girl even tho I wuz 2 preoccupied w Hot Topic n  ow n just STARED @ teh art on teh walls, it wuz adorbs! Surprisingly, mai mall hasnt fallen 4 Juicy Couture yet! Now dat I think about it, none of mai local malls have! Or mayb im just 2 preoccupied w CherryVale.

I'm back, just 2 say sumthn dats bugging meh. Halloween just iznt halloween-ing dis year! It barely even feels like halloween, I went 2 Spirit Halloween (only got 1 thing 4 mai costume, which iz Trinity frum teh matrix) n watched Saw but still, it feels incomplete :/ prolly bcuz teh FINANCIAL CRISIS  mai parents almost sold off teh house but I convinced them not 2 bcuz teh house they were looking @ wuz further frum mai school n we r already pushing teh legal limit of how long a students allowed 2 b on teh bus!But aside...It just doesnt feel like Halloween dis year, im already c-ing Christmas commercials (@ dis point i wouldnt b surprised if dat fat cherry nosed sunnabitch changed teh red white n blue flag 2 silver, red, n gold) n its not even November  even though mai parents have been rewatching Hocus Pocus a thousand times, mayb I'll take matters in2 mai own hands n decor8 teh house even further. Sadly, I wuz on a budget @ Spirit n i couldnt buy sum cute halloween wreaths i found Also yes, im going trick or treatin @ mai old age of 15! im gonna b trinity frum teh matrix again!

Ok, baaack! 2day's episode: Traffic jams n Matrix Reloaded. Well, not much on teh traffic jam part, but I read an online story bout a traffic jam dat lasted days, w tons of intertwined frenships b-ing formed, but they all ended when teh traffic jam ended, every1 went home n 4got they all existed. I feel like its a prediction of wat will happen 2 us over Thanksgiving w/o getting molested by mai uncle. Earlier I heard a less strange n sad traffic jam story, bout a guy who gto stuck in a HUGE traffic jam on I-95 n eventually every1 gave up n abandoned their cars just 2 watch teh matrix reloaded w a guy in his car. N then I heard anothjer guy talk bout why we need 2 build nuclear projectors in2 teh sky so underdeveloped tribes can watch Family Guy, I mixed teh 2 2gether n BAM! Nuclear powered projectors dat broadcast Matrix films, 4 those underdeveloped tribes! Itd b doin them justice, anyways? Wouldnt it? I mean, mai parents dropped meh off on North Sentinel Island when I wuz lil just 2 get away frum meh! N im back, n w a rant. MATH. I fucking h8 math, its a bit easy but it makes meh solve all its problems, n it doesnt realize X doesnt luv it anymore, so it's SO LONELY dat it forces others 2 find girls like X instead of moving on. Yes math, we know, its hard, but holy shit its been YEARS n ur still not over ur ex! Also, Ive been sleeping moar n moar, I barely sta awake 4 moar than 2 hours after school n i dunno why. Ok, I dunno why, after soooo long, but im BACK BABEH!!!!!!!!!!!! Have u ever wished 4 teh apocalypse 2 come so u wouldnt have 2 pay ur taxes anymore? Well, 2 bad: Teh IRS has plans 2 collect ur taxes even during an apocalyptic event, 4 watever reason. So I want u 2 imagine 4 a moment, A Smith infected IRS agent. Pay ur taxes or else VERY bad things will happen 2 u. Wat bad things? Well, u know! B-COMING HIM? Hopefully teh collective will scrub his mind of all those IRS-ey thoughts! Ohhh wait, did I 4get 2 tell u dat mai Agent Smith plushie has finally had his sunglasses broken? Yes, after a couple years, his shades finally failed n tore right in  half (They were also made of fabric by teh way!) so now2 were just holding em 2gether w tape.Heeeeyy, wats up? 2day, I will discuss teh horror of The Song That Never Ends, nwhy its a Lovecraftian horror disguised as an innocent children song.


It never ends, teh lyrics imply dat sum1 started singing teh song bcuz they thought it wuz catchy. They find themselves unable 2 stop. Hours pass, n eventually turn 2 days. Still singing endlessly, teh sleep deprived person starts thinking dat their dad's meat cleaver looks rly nice, n they cut off their tongue. But even tho their singing has been turned 2 pure gurgles in a mouth filled w blood, THEY STILL KEEP SINGING.Their only option iz suicide. Make it even moar terrifying if teh corpse still gurgles teh lyrics even after death. Watever being cre8d teh song dat never ends must b a TERRIFYING demon! Wait...who cre8d it again. Oh, teh cre8r of Lambchop, I adored lambchop when I wuz littl, but I didnt know there wuz a Lovecraftian horror writing songs 4 teh show, 2 ensnare children in its trap n 4ce them in2 a miserable life of eternally singing The Song That Never Ends Like if u made a robot sing it n command them 2 stop, they'd stop, but a human. its a whole other story. N u cant beg 4 teh sweet release of death, bcuz u know, u'd b 2 busy singign! U cant stop @ any time, u just have 2 keep singing until teh song ends, which it never does. Talk bout "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream", except u have a mouth, but u cant scream bcuz ur 2 busy singing! WAT SUICIDE METHOD DO I HAVE 2 DO IN ORDER 2 STOP SINGING TEH DAMN SONG? Well, I know exactly wat im NEVER gonna do now. Wat I WILL do however, iz go watch AEon Flux, its a kewl anime-ish series!

Yeppidy yep, teh loser iz back. I wanna rant bout sumthn dat happened years ago dat will 4ever piss me off *dreamy harp music* so lets go back 2 mai 12th bday. I wuz a young gal obsessed with Weezer, Freakazoid, JTHM, CLAMP manga, n MegaTokyo...dis story iz bout teh MegaTokyo portion, all mai other gifts were pretty rockin except mai mom bought meh teh wrong issue of Squee, but wutevs!

4 mai bday, my Mom got meh a lovely MegaTokyo shirt (teh ev1l m1n10n 1) n I wuz overjoyed. I wore dat shirt basically everyday, only pausing 2 wear mai famous evul skwerel shirt n teh Freakazoid shirt mai dad had made 4 meh by "1 of those girls on deviantART w teh anime art style" . U can tell I ADORED teh shirt. But inevitably, shirts u wear every other day get dirty. So I had 2 wash it...n guess what happened 2 teh shirt. It fucking CRUMBLED in teh washing machine. I wuz launched in2 a deep depression, n I cursed teh name of Mega Tokyo 4 making such a crappy shirt. Man, I still miss dat shirt :(

Also I rejoined teh Steel Server, a totes rockin forum where I met EOn337 HERSELF (mai idol)...until I realized it wuz just a fren of hers :( but we eventually got hold of Jenny in I wuz SUPER TRIPLE OVERJOYED! Im so glad 2 b back w mai brothers as teh only girl there, n 4 a girl every1 thinks im super awesoum!

I'm back! Sorry, ya thought i wuz gone? Haha, NOPE! But 2day, Ill write a quick entry bout teh Super Bowl, dis year we got teh Giants vs the Patriots. Mai dad iz OBSESSED w Football n sports, I never rly cared much 4 it, but I tune in 2 teh Super Bowl JUST 2 watch teh commercials, they r always super entertaining, like teh last time I wrote an entry bout teh Super Bowl on teh old LTE, back frum teh EvilWeaselz days. I wuz so much happier back then honestly, even if I sucked @ art, just days spent playing online games on teh computer, Rammstein, Senses Fail, n Gorillaz on repeat,I miss those days :( but back 2 teh Super Bowl. I dont rly like watching teh super bowl, again, I ONLY watch it 4 teh commercials, mai fave last year wuz prolly teh Coca Cola 1, it reminded meh of GTA, there wuz also a super controversial Snickers commercial w 2 guys kissing, its just 2 guys kissin, its  not like those guys went 2 ur house n fucked ur wife n then shot ur cat! Wat's so wrong? Dis year, I decided 2 remain apathetic 2 teh Super Bowl. Ello, im back. Did u know dat teh band Korn wuz made 2 b Baby's First Metal band? Dis iz evidenced by children often b-ing on their covers, how their name looks like it wuz written by a kid who 4got how 2 write corn, yeah u get teh picture. I mean, I HAD 2 do sumthn, itsd been only god knows how long since teh last upd8!

Im back, 2day I had cavity fillings done, teh dentist had 2 give up bcuz I wuz chattin 2 much, but he put on invader zim 4 meh 2 watch. I also got anesthesia 2 make things better ^^ K, im back. I just got done watching The Lawnmower Man, a movie dat exists. Dad said it wuz a horrible movie, but I tigressw, I thought it wuz a pretty decent movie, dare I say "good" teh CGI wuz actually pretty good, I enjoyed teh crappy CGI bcuz of how fitting it iz 2 teh movie. Watching The Lawnmower Man also made meh realize dat I have schizophrenia bcuz teh main guy starts looking moar n moar like Hugo Weaving as teh movie goes on. N spoiler warning, he kills ppl w his mind n then b-comes God. Wat a wonderfully turrible sci fi flik! Woooo, I'm back. N i have a craving. A strong craving. SoBE. I have never had a SoBe in my 15 years on this planet but all I know is that I need one and I need one now! Last year, I went to Pigeon Forge on vacation (Which i forgot to write bout bcuz I wuz 2 damn lazy) n we stopped @ a cluttered shady gas station just like Mobil back home, but Mobil doesn't have SoBe. Dis gas station did, n they also had Bug Juice there. I got a Bug Juice, but I remember a demon scratching inside of meh, begging meh 2 get a fountain SoBe, n now I realize: dat demon wuz right. Now I wander these planes of shady gas stations alone, dreaming of the day I get a SoBe. Mai bowels yearn 4 carrot infused grape juice! Mai eyes yearn 4 a kewl drink w a lizard on teh bottle! Mai mouth yearns 2 taste sum good fuckin ELIXIR. ALL HAIL SOBE! Hopefully dat huge gas station they opened in tennessee just recently iz gonna have some ELIXIR. U know, I just realized dat im not typin dis just 2 make it a super super long wall of text anymoar. Im just typing when I feel llike it. I've gotta get moar competittve w typing. I've gotta find sum way 2 do dis. N why not have fun while doin dis? I'm gunna hide a subliminal message in dis long wall of text.. N im trypin bout typin bout typin, so it counts, right? Well, dis doesnt seem 2 subliminal messagey, so I gotta change up mai tactics. But how? Damn, did u ever hear bout teh fake matrix reloaded script where Agent Smith sumhow got sexier n turned teh agents gay n Neo had an evil twin who rides a motorcycle? Yeh, I just heard nbout dis n i will never not picture his evuil motorcycle twin "greg" as anything other than a human version of Shadow the Hedgehog. I'm typing so fast right now it reminds meh of meh acing a school typing test @ 120 wpm. Sumhow. Dis wuz 2005 jsyk, so a few years back. Like back when I wuz obsessed w flaming chickens, just made a vampfreaks account, 4ced maiself 2 eat ketchup, teh whole lot. I miss those days n they only happened wut, 3 years ago? Kinda crazy how fast teh nostalgia can settle in. pretty sure I gotta shoehorn whatever letters I need 2 get mai point across. Gotaa write write write they say! I can't stop printing out shitty posters, because I have seen soo many girls on teh wonderful platofrm of deviantart post their stupid bedrooms n I have only aq small personality, so mai feeble intellect has decided 2 waste as much printer ink as humanly possible just so i can look cool when in reality I look like a schizophrenic. Damn, im really trying 2 make dat subliminal message work even tho its probley moar of a chore 2 read, not like teh 1 on mai forums accounmt, n if ur ehre frum teh forums, im just telling u teh paragraph spanning subliminal message says "I love watching Mr. Anderson sleep" its a funny quote frum those agentsmithcommunity forums dat i miss oh so very very much. But its fine tho. Oooh, almost teh whole page iz filled up w text Productive lil meh! w00t w00t! Im so hungry right now, oh my fucking god teh hungrrr! But I'm trying 2 lose sum weight, so guess I gotta hold off on gettin a lil snackie snack 4 maiself. Well, I goyt back. Where wuz I? Onm vacation! We spent a day in Kentucky, 4 days in Tennessee, n then got back @ midnight a day or 2 l8r. Our 1st day we just went 2 kentucky, teh parents rented out teh DIRTY ROTTEN CABIN DAT THEY'RE TRYING 2 CONVINCE US WUZ BUILT IN TEH 80S EVEN THOUGH ITS WAY 2 RUNDOWN 2 B FRUM TEH 80s, n I wanted an escape, but mai Aunt wuz having a birthday party @ her house, so I had 2 wait, I waited by passing out on a dirty mattress 4 5 hours, n when I woke up I screamed n Dad took meh 2 Auntie Shan's, where I wuz given a slice of chocolate cake n she turned on teh Flintstones 4 meh 2 watch. She always plays Boomerang in her house. I set up on teh bed n we had a chat bout lord of teh rings. Shannon rly wants 2 watch Lord of the Rings but she doesn't got a DVD player in her house (Her husband whos like 20 years older than her does tho, but he runs a bible school n I only got 2 go inside 1ce when I wuz 11, where I announced I wuz in teh furry fandom n he made a wooden ornament of mai fursona 4 meh. I still use Sammy Fox 2 dis very day, if u saw mai art :3 ) so she never got 2 watch it. She hgave up her entire bedroom 2 meh, 2 mai surprise, n I set up n chilled. A few hours after she went 22 bed, so I got sum candy dat I l8r learned wuz expired, so then I watched funny vidz on mai rokr n then recorded maiself eating teh expired  candy. Dis wuz how I learned she dropped teh "No waking up til 8 " policy bcuz I walked 2 her @ 2aM sobbing over teh wi-fi freaking out. I l8r passed out n woke u0p 2 teh 2 dogs in her house dat actually love meh aggressively licktacking meh (like they were licking meh 2 teh point it could very well b considered an attack) a hundred messages frum damian-chan, n a terrifying realization dat id slept 2 hours past when I should've woken up, so I (didn't) get ready in a panic. She also let me take 2 rings dat she gives teh kids @ teh church she's a pastor @ even tho they were 2 small 4 meh lolz.I knew we were there as soon as I saw teh aforementione hyuge new gas station, where mai Mom broke her spine on a toilet, I got a plushie w kicky feet, n mai aunt got a gajillion sweets. Teh cabin itself wuz pretty bland n boring, n teh very 1st room I walked in2 mai parents declared it mine. Guess what? IT HAD NO TV. IT. HAD. NO. TV. So, dis inspires meh 2 double check teh car n come across teh horrifying realization dat I HAD NO PS2. Yep, I 4got mai PS2 @ home. Mai emul8on addicted brother got an emul8r 4 meh on his PSP n got shadows of teh colossus n path of ne. He hade meh play 2 levels of colossus so I made him play 2 of PAth of Neo, n he thinks the game has teh worst controls ever. Teh next 2 days were all blurry, cept 4 meh going 2 teh outlet mall n going 2 Zumiuez solely 2 listening 2 the music in there n look @ overpriced jorts, n getting a ton of crappy graphic tees @ hot topic n not finding any kewl pants in mai size. Then I got knee high converse @ journeys n dad abandoned meh n shannon @ teh mall. Then we went 2 Mountain Manny's n I got a knockoff  gangsta SpungBob shirt n then played pirates of the caribbeasn mini golf, where I goty 2 chat w a girl in a slipknot shirt, then I got a mcflurry @ mcdonalds n nearly jumped out of a car while Pantera wuz playin I think teh day after dat, I went on teh mountain coaster n then went shopping @ another mall, where i herd u liek mudkipz, so I got a mudkip, we got food @ a celebrity's restaurant, then I got a new evanescence shirt + jay n silent bob figurines n then picked up taco bell 4 teh momma n then we got 2 go 2 an arcade where we got kicked out 4 staying past closing bcuz mai brother hadn't maxed out his card. He wuz yellin n screamin @ teh arcade employyes as we got kicked out bcuz he "wanted 2 have fun." then we went home n got gridlocked on teh kentucky-indiana st8line 4 30 minutes n teh only thing preventing meh frum fully going mental wuz starin @ a kewl truck covered in Invader Zim stickers. Then we almost ran in2 another gridlock so dad swung teh fucker around n drove us past all dat gridlock bullshit. Mai aunt iz also counting on meh 2 help her renov8 her home, n she explained dats why teh candy i wuz eating wuz expired. Well, I'm back, jus like Frodo. 2day's rant iz bout grass. Did u know dat teh smell of grass iz actually teh grass screaming? So ur saying we cut grass

Welcum back 2 another episode of Shade Makes A Stupidly Long Webpage! 2day, we have: Game Modding! Its where u install files on2  a game dat changes sumthn, like 4 Resident Evil 4, I got a mod dat changes teh regular Ganados 2 look like Agent Smith frum teh matrix. I get an odd erotic pleasure out of c-ing Leon die 2 a ton of Smiths even when im trying 2 AVOID them, which says sumthn bout mai fate in teh Smith clone apoocalypse! Well, dis wuz a RLY short rant, lets cut 2 commercials!

Oh? Hmmmm, nobody wants 2 sponsor a poor host, so u just have 2 keep listening 2 meh! N now, here we rant bout As Seen On TV commercials! When I made mai very 1st website back in 2004, I had another LTE. where I ranted bout teh wonders of As Seen On TV products! Teh last time I got obsessed w As Seen On TV products wuz a few months ago when I started getting obsessive over Aqua Globes, I dont own any plants except 4 an old pumpkin w a cats face on it ive owned since Halloween 2007 (thx Dad! I also gave a speech 2 a woman but why yes, her son SHOULD get teh pretty pink unicorn plushie, bcuz FUCK UNICORNS B-ING GIRLY, LET UR SON LIKE WAT HE LIKES! Guess she'll never doubt her son again after goddamn Trinity frum teh matrix told her 2, n then Trinity promptly bought a pink kitty plushie n fell down a flight of stairs), but mai mom's starting 2 rly enjoy growing plants, n she let meh buy a plant 2 keep (a Sun Coleus, I think dats how u spell it, its a pretty plant w all mai fave colors, just a ton of big black pink n green leaves! Its HUGE now btw!), but enough bout plants, lets talk bout As Seen ON TV products of teh EvilWeaselz days n compare them 2 NekoRikiRawrr era products

We have PediPaws, which @ first sounds like sumthn mai kitties need, like those nail caps u should put on cats instead of ripping off their claws (which iz different frum cutting them bcuz if u rip them off, they wont b able 2 get comfy anymore), wait back in teh 80s mai mom owned a rly mean cat named Cole who needed nail caps n after b-ing drowned by mai older brother, who wuz a baby @ teh time, he ran away. They never found him, prolly ran away 2 b w his brethren in teh forest, which reminds meh I should reread Warrior Cats, I got obsessed w teh books in 2003 when they were first coming out but eventually I 4got bout them. Wow, am I rly gonna start talking bout Warrior Cats? Naaaaaa, back 2 kitties. Mai parents didnt own a single boy cat 4 over 20 years until they disregarded teh gender of another kitty they surprised us w, a grey n white tomcat named Frankenstein bcuz of teh stitches on hiss eyes n his failed neutering bcuz his balls were fucking huge! He turned out 2 b a very luving cat even when I accidentally ripped off a part of his eyes during teh eye surgery era. Did I go off topic n start talking bout cats? Yes, I did, lets go back 2 PediPaws...

But when u look @ teh PediPaws, they're...pet nail pulverizers. At Least It's Not Declawing! (I fucking h8 ppl who declaw their cats by da way, got in2 a nasty fight bout it in 6th grade w teh smelly gangster kid who though I luvd him n started wearing Happy Bunny clothes bcuz I did, which iz funny bcuz its 4 girls n he likes meanspirirted humor unless its bout boys, eventually he turned 2 drug dealing n passed out blunts 2 kids after school dat he rolled 2 honor an actor who died teh previous day)

I guess dis iz just turning in2 Shade's Anecdote Land, which iz good bcuz it makes dis longer, even if it distracts frm purpose.

Now Weed Claw, im assuming its either fake nails u can smoke 2 get high, or a grdening tool...N its...TEH LATTER!

Now 4 teh Buxton Bag. Im assuming its a fancy bag! N its...

A tactical bag!

Oooh, Zorbeez! Wat r these, it sounds like a toy I'd play w when I wuz lil, I adored swimming when I wuz littl! N its...

A towel!

I c Blendy Pen ads all teh time, dat 3D looking kid fucking terrifies meh, n now im bored talking bout as seen on TV products, so we either

-Look @ older 1s


-Look 4 other categories

I'll roll w teh 1st option.

(shade wuz never seen nor heard frum again)

  I got 2 LTE rants 4 u 2day! 1st off, POWER OUTAGES. I had an 18 hour motherfucggin power outage last night, which sux bcuz I wuz going 2 write a gr8 LTE rant, but instead u r getting a substandard LTE rant bout dat blue alien frum Lilo n Stitch. Yel, Stitch! I ussed 2 find him kinda kyoot wqhen I wuz younger, but now I just fuggin h8 dat koalathing. I dont even fucking know WAT it iz! But teh main reason I h8 it iznt bcuz its annoying or it has a punchable face, no dear reader, its merchandising. STITCH IS EVERYWHERE. I go 2 teh store, STITCH, I get a package in teh mail frum Sarah, STITCH, I look 4 kawaii wallpapers, STITCH. OH MY FUCKING GOD STITCH IS EVERYWHERE. I thought we could keep that blue bastard at the Disney store so I'd only see him when I waltz in to torment the Disney store workers and buy a million dollars worht of Pirates of the Caribbean merch, but NOPEDIOPE, that bastard is just taking over the fucking world isn't he? Well, he is an alien, so not surprised at all. Wait, do I still even HAVE a Disney store at my mall? Oh...it shut down. Rest in piss Cherryvale Mall Disney store Wait, you wanna hear moar bout teh outage? Sure thing, tart. So, firast I decided 2 read n then spend mai time running around town taking photos (like 1 I took @ taco bell where mai Neo n Smith plushies were eating on those kyoot lil checkerboard tables.) After a while, I got bored so I cleaned mai room n played Path of Neo, however after 5 hours I wuz so utterly broken frum having no internet I just crashed n died.

Hey, I'm back! Time 4 a good dose of existentialism n philosophy I don't understand! (KIds cheering). So, 2day w mai other frens, I discussed satanism (NOT DAT KIND OF SATANISM) which iz a belief dat u r ur own god, however these people thing differently. Lotsa shtruff bout astral projection. N I learned dat its not very good 2 b a god. Im expected 2 life a life free of sexuality n still find love. U c, ur literally supposed 2 AVOID sexual/romantic encounters, n they ignored all mai questions bout asexuality. Also, I learned dat we have a time traveler in our server! He told meh bout World War 3, itd start w Russia n USA getting in2 a nuclear fight, n then end w all of humanity enslaved n brainwashed in2 luving it. SO then I asked "wat if I tell teh president dat they have a skill issue?" He took it serio0usly. Butt weight! He said dat their may b a peace treaty instead of total slavery! Its like schrodinger's cat (or in dis case, Schrodinger's War), He doesnt know if there will b slavery or a treaty until it happens. N I also learned sum ppl wungle their hog n astral project simultaneously. I dunno how, but they can do it! However, now dat teh conversation ended n we're talking bout guys n stuff, lemme tell u bot mai odd, stalky behavior. But I'm not following around just a single person...IM STALKING MAI ENTIRE NEIGHBORHOOD. Sujmtimes, mostly in warmer months such as dis, I go outside n just...stare through teh windows n watch TV w them, usually I dont know wat they're watching, all I know iz dat I'm enjoying it 2. Last time I checked, two neighbors had their TV on. 1 wuz warching Star Wars n teh other wuz watching a murder mystery show. I have very weird, psychopathic (iz dat how u say it?) things I like 2 do. N 2day, I wanna tell u bout why teh TV channel known as G4 iz teh best thing ever conceived! So, imagine, ur a computer addict, but ur TV iz getting lonely. Then wat do u do? Watch G4! It's TV 4 ppl who prefer video games n internet, skits dat depict Mario n Luigi as member of teh Mafia? U got it, Attack of the Show! A crass show anim8d as if its taking place in ur SNES? u got it, Code Mnkeys! I lurve G4 moar than mai own family! Hello every1 I had a fucking horrible experience in an Arby's (BTW, starter, we didnt get our food bcuz mai mom swerved outta there)


So, I get mai nails done (ooo, starry w lots of bright colors! teh pink even glows in teh dark!) n it got l8 bcuz i spent so long getting mai nails done. Mom asks where we should go, I say portillo's, then she tells meh she already had portillos n its 2 far. Then I say Aby's we get there n spend 2 minutes obsessing over time. Woo, wee dis iz where teh fun part behins!

Teh white car pulls up, n just keeps ORDERING N ORDERING. 4 20 minutes, mom nervously says "almost done" w a twinge of anger in her voice. 20 minutes, 40 meals n teh guys not done. 40 FUCKING MEALS? HOW MANY PEOPLE DOES THIS FUCKER GOTTA FEED? She swerved after 20 minutes bcuz 40 meals means a LONG FUCKIN WAIT (no cars b-hind us, fuck yah!)

So, Dad thinks he MUST go 2 Arby's bcuz I wanted it. Wouldnt b surprised if dat asshole iz still sittin there waitin 4 his food. How much shit did he order? 100 fuckin meals?

Oh yeah, bout teh diarrhea, i shat mai brains out on teh bus while listening 2 Millionaires' new Take A Shot song (more like a take a shit bcuz of wat wuz going on). I shat BLOOD 2, 2 make everything worse. Mom thinks its mai period, n i expressed desires 2 get an ablation (like a Junior Hysterectomy) out of fear id end up like dat girl who bled so much in a period she went comatose. But WAY 2 much girl talk aside, fuck arby's n fuck dat asshole! im never going 2 a drive thru again. Im getting mai shit delivered or ordering my Pet Smith Clone 2 get it 4 meh. Well, I think dat i need 2 tell u readers bout a personal obswervation of mine. It appears the world has entered a paradigm shift. After hundreds of years of complaining about the Christmas season starting before Thanksgiving, I believe the world has finally come to terms with Santa Claus and his plans for world domination, by slowly taking over one calendar month at a time. (sigh...it should've been ME! NOT HIM!!!!)

Never thought I’d see the day that all of the folks in my neighborhood would have inflatable snowmen and chicken wire reindeer and sleighs in their backyard the day after Halloween, but here we are. I guess there’s not a lot to give thanks for this Holiday season, not with old Saint Nick spreading Christmas cheer like an evergreen plague.

So have a Holly jolly Christgiving everyone, it’s only a matter of time now before next year’s Christloween pops up and we’re all dressing up as reindeer and elves, knocking on the doors of our neighbors who have decided that Halloween lights can double as Christmas lights if they get them in just the right color. Carrying our stockings around, door to door, while everybody hands out those tacky Dollar store last minute Christmas gifts as supplement for candy corn and black licorice.

God help us all.

And after Halloween’s gone what’s next? Memorial Day? INDEPENDENCE DAY?! I’ll be damned if I let that fat Cherry nosed Son of a bitch change the red white and blue flag to silver and Gold! Christians, you think God is behind this? Look around you, we’re all slaves, pulling around Santa’s sleigh, carrying a bottomless bag filled to the brim with an undying thirst for hot cocoa, milk, and the blood of the innocent.

That’s right. Christ wasn’t born on Christmas. I’ll tell you what was though, a one way ticket to planet where Jack Frost isn’t just nipping at your toes, but he’s nipping at your wife’s neck, too. Global warming can’t save us now.

SATAN. SANTA. You think that was intentional? You bet your cherry red jingle bells that it was. So wake up and smell the mistletoe before it’s too late, because before long, he’s coming for your parents, Mother’s day? Father’s Day? Those weird family Holidays that your parents made up in order to make themselves feel more important? Yeah, that’s right, he’s coming for your Aunts and uncles, your cousins, your kids, and your grandkids, and it all starts here. November first.

Well, look who's back, back again, Shade iz back. Tell yo frens! N im here 2 bash maiself w guilt! w00t w00t!!! So, 2day I learned dat ive apparently been starving m,ai Neopets 4 2 whole days, n its led meh 2 realizing how much of an irresponsible Neoparent I've become. I mean, I feed them literal CRACK COCAINE when I run out of food, n I missed out on neopets' 15th birtrhday, which makes meh extra upset :[ so upset I had 2 use a bracket 4 dat emoticon! I need 2 keep typing, its been a while since I last typed here. typetypeytype. Sorry, had 2 paudse bcuz im watching the matrix AKA BEST MOVIE EVAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If u dont like it, u can thoroughly FUCK OFFF!!!! Im a total Hugonut ROFL, u probley already know dat tho. I follow every word dat bitch Tanathir says, im literally her guyz u dont understand!!!

I woke up bright n early n sounded a mega horn all over teh house 2 signal it wuz time 4 mai family 2 wake up n open gifts w meh! Here's wat I got, mai brother's shtuff will b right -low dis

- Cat eared headphones, mai family likes 2 think Im 1 of those girls who get paid 2 play video games. Dont get meh wrong, teh cat eared headphones r pretty kyoot, but ill just stick 2 mai dad's old headphones!

- a Black n white Rhinestone belt

-A My Melody phone charm

-A cinnamoroll phone charm (which I currently use)

-LOTS of stickers (All Sanrio, mostly My Melody but I also got Kuromi, Hello Kitty, n Cinnamoroll stickers)

 A pair of Goth-ish boots mai aunt got off of rivithead (Dat AWESUM STORE frum teh links page), lemme try 2 find them (DANK-101 platform shoes)

- A ton of My Melody Stuff (Lanyard, what looks like sum sort ofphoto frame but I dunno wat it iz bcuz it's JAPANESE[Mai mom's Sanrio dealer always outsources all her shtuff frum Japan!], Sticky Notes, loofah, comically tiny notebook)

-A funny fluffy cat hoodie dat said "FLUFF U U FLUFFIN FLUFF". Mai mom threatened 2 beat meh 4 saying dat until she saw teh shirt

-Pawed gloves

-A rainbow cat themed outfit

-A Bad Cat calendar

-Lots of cat socks

-A PSP (Actually, it's mai brother's but he'll let meh share it w him!)

-A My Melody Diary

-My Melody clipboard

-A pink Skelanimals plushie (Kit, teh cat, most of mai Skelanimals merchandise iz of her)

-Sum hairspray

-A plaid robe

-A belt w splatter patterns on it

-2 My Melody notebook (including a copy of 1 I already own!)

-A knockoff Cinnamoroll purse dat calls him Macaroon instead of CInnamoroll

-A new GIR hoodie bcuz mai old 1 frum 2004's sleeves were ripped up

- 1 of those animal eared hats w paw gloves attached frum Spencer's. I wear it EVERYWHERE now!

-A Kuromi Blanket

-Agent Smith fanart mai dad commissioned 4 meh


N teh enxt 2 days were mostly a blur. Then, on teh 27th, mai parents took meh 2 c grandpa n open christmas gifts w him. Sadly, I 4got 2 charge anything n all mai devices died while I wuz in teh hospital, then we 8 a shitty dinner, mai parents threatened 2 murder meh over chocol8 milk, n I got home n listened 2 linkin park while contempl8ng suicide n drawing Neopets. Dats all Ill write 4 now, ive got tons 2 do! Im back after an ungodly amount of time. I have a lot 2 write bout. 1st teh Illusion of Convenience, which I came up w after an unsavory experience I dodged like Neo dodging bullests. So, on our way home frum Christmas vacation, we stopped 2 teh Female Rage Loves-McDonald's hybrid w a stupidly long line. There wuz a car there, back n blue, right by teh drive through window. Meh, b-ing teh impatient bitch i am, begged mom 2 let us order our food IN teh McDonald's, mai family iz very drive thru oriented, n Im teh only 1 who isnt, which makes mai family think Im weirder than I am, which iznt much weirder, they just dont c TEH TRUTH!!!! Okaay, so we spend 20 minutes inside of teh gas station, in i steal an I Heart Indiana keychain na dolphin magnet dat I keep on mai computer, n as I exit teh McDonald's, I recognize 1 thing. Teh car iz STILL there. Still ordering. I wrote a long essay on mai notes app, lemme try 2 find it, n I will copy it word 4 word. Ok, here! McDonald's tries 2 say its "fast" food. Well, its all an illusion! Teh illusion iz VERY easy 2 c through tho. They should just call it a Bl8nt Lie of Convenience. "We're quick! Haha, sike!" McDonald's iz good, but iz it worth it? I prefer dining inside much 2 mai parents anger. They JUST DONT GET IT! I'm redfryboxed, n they're all bluefryboxed! Remember teh least infuri8ng fast food experience ever? I c ppl tend 2 take a very long time 2 order n it just ruins everything n every1's mood. Dat guy spent 20 minutes ordering n wuz still ordering 4 like 3 minutes after mai dad got 2 Arby's, l8r @ home while she wuz putting powder on mai thighs while I wuz discussing shitting blood n how unclean I felt, she admitted 2 meh dat she also saw through teh illusion, n she wuz upset @ teh guy 2. She tends 2 take her anger out on her kids, but she genuinely means well; her parents treated her dat way n its hard 4 her 2 control herself. N I'm back, hello n welcum 2 teh Super Awesome N Stupidly Long Wall of Text Show. I have been running dis shit storm 4 2 years? 2 YEARS!? Yes, dat's right, u have been held captive in mai bedroom 4 2 years, fellow reader! N I feel like dat calls 4 a celebra-Oh, nevermind lets go back 2 talking bout Disc Replay, wat used 2 b mai fave shop. On mai old LTE, I wrote an entire THING bout Disc Replay, a long rant bout why its teh most awesum gaming store in teh world. I revisted 4 teh 1st time in  a couple of years recently, n its pretty much teh same, but I just couldnt help but leap throughout teh store, paying no attention 2 displays of expensive action figures, japanese candy, n small children around meh. It's a geek store, so they have tons of games in stuff, teh last time I visited I purchased Things including teh game TimeSplitters, along w Resident Evil Outbreak n an Agent Smith figurine. Dis time, I got a crap ton of movies, here, Ill list EVERYTHING I got 4 u, dear reader!

  • The entire Pirates of the Caribbean Trilogy
  • Both the first and second Terminator movies
  • Kill Bill (I didn't ACTUALLY get it, I just wish I did :( screw u dad)
  • Fallout 3)
N unlike last time, there wuznt a big smelly pedophile eyeing mai ass bcuz I dropped mai cellphone, which iz a very good thing! U know, I wuz gonna type sumthn else, but then I 4got. But teh purpose of this damn thing iz 2 keep writing n writing 4 as long as possible until I'm bored again. So I guess ur stuck w meh! Or mayb not, I'm getting impatient n I wanna play video games now, cya...? Ok, I'm back. Last night, I watched The Terminator (the 1984 1), n I luvd it. N I think, dear reader, I have developed a crush on ther terminator. I h8 mai life. Yes, I know, theres others out there who find him hot, bt I still believe dat I deserv 2 b killed w a hammer 4 finding him hot. Yep, dats meh! I might also have a crush on Kyle Reese but dat doesnt rival mai crush on teh termin8r. Also, currently im eating McDonald's, but tis ANIME McDonald's I have gone to AniMcDonalds. It's so wonderful I am so happy I ummmmm...should go print out that Terminator poster and update my MySpace profile, seeya! N Im back! 2day, I have decided 2 reminisce on mai EvilWeaselz era while shopping @ Hot Topic n listening 2 Mudvayne. Im in a nu-metal forum n 1 user iz sending ppl nu metal songs if they send teh last thing they copypasted, mine wuz a fake gangster insult, n I got a Mudvayne song (All That You Are), so I went 2 look it up n...It's on teh same Mudvayne CD I bought in Tennessee 2 years ago. I also joined a forum called FifthWorld where we all try 2 help each other w our problems in teh sci-fi world (e.g "I have a virus that makes it impossible to complete my sent," "Mai sourdough starter iz telling meh 2 sacrifice lambs!" "Pools of blood r forming in mai hands when I clap n they turn in2 a tiny baby w three heads!" "A golden mouth screamed mai d8 of death @ me! during a bonfire". Mai problem? Mai girlfriend iz a living virus n shes extremely insistent on making meh join her clone army. Every1's telling meh 2 break teh fabric of reality or dat resistance is futile! Yeah I'll just assimil8 w her. Ok, so hold on lemme check out teh NSFW Hugo eaving forum 4 1 moment. Oh, none of it iz dat interesting 2 meh :( Im surprised dat thang iz still going? Wait, wuznt I supposed 2 b shopping online on Hot Topic's website! EEEEEEE sooo many plushies w kniuves! O, mai fren-oh nvm, I wuz gonna say hes a pedo but a hacker hacked him...Oh, did I get carried away w collecting avatars? I lurve collectingf avatars 4 aim n MSN, mayb I should get sum avatars of mai own on2 dis website, liek a lil goodie 4 all mai loyal squirrels...Wait, iz it normal 2 call ppl squirrels anymoar? I miss teh earlier years of our glorious naughts  :( If I could go back I WOULD! Things r beoming 2 uhhhhh...not awesum?  I can barely find a good pair of Tripps or JNCOs anymoar, n those r mai fave kinds of pants! Hello, Im back n more randomer than ever! O yeah, here';s sumthn dats peeved meh since i wuz 7. WHY DOES EVERY1 THINK TEH EASTER BUNNY IZ A BOY? Yes, it may b controversial, but I always liked 2 imagine teh easter bunny as a girl, however when I wuz 12 I began believing in 2 easter bunnies dat were siblings dat traveled 2gether. Yep, wanna hear moar? Ok, they live on Easter island, n surprisingly, they prefer summer over spring. They have "animal familiars" dat they can occasionally b seen w. Teh male bunny (or Baxter as he calls himself. He heard dat name 100 years ago n thought it wuz cool), has a fox familiar n a chinchilla familiar. Teh female bunny (or Melanie) has an owl familar n a weasel familiar. But not teh type of owl like teh tootsie roll pop owl. Fuck teh tootsie roll pop owl, TACO 4 LIFE! Currently im stalking them n waiting 4 them 2 pop up. Yep, sadly, I am back. N now I am FILLED w anxiety. Its eased up since but I've just felt like talking 2 u. So a whole slew of changes have been unleashed on2 meh 4 mai senior year, including but not limited to

-New bus policies (Must not be rushed to the bus, instead it should come to her, more than ten minute wait on bus = Walking break)
-4 sum reason, I am now teh LAST 2 b dropped off? (Dis wuz teh final straw, now mai Dad takes meh 2 skool)
N as mai Mom does, mai Mom sued. She's quite lawsuit-happy n Im glad dat she iz. After all how teh hell do u expect an anxiety riddled teenager 2 get wat teh phrase "You get what you get and you don't get upset" means? Story bout dat, but moar like personal opinion, I don't think kids should accept gifts they h8. If I got a shirt I didnt like made 4 meh by Nicki, if I could return it, I would, n I'd let mai Mom spend sum money on herself, instead of just letting dat shirt collect dust. I 1ce read a book w a girl who got a RLY itchy sweater 4 Christmas, n she dropped it off @ teh pet shelter 2 give it 2 a nursing mama dog. I like how dat girl rolls!N I'm back again, 2 rant bout 2 things. Lets start w teh 1st. Dis made meh realize how horrificially outd8d mai LTE iz, but teh broken text wuz pissing meh off 2 much. So on Sunday, I went 2 teh mall w mai bestie n took mai klepto game 2 a whole new level! Instead of just stealing pins frum hot topic, I stole CANDY n a figurine. But let's rewind. So, mai brother iz gradu8ng college pretty soon, n Mom gave meh a list of dumb rules, like I couldnt wear a blackd ress. N not 4 weather reasons, I wuznt even gonna wear a dress w sleeves, but Mom took meh up 2 DEB 2 get a dress, n I found a supa pretty sparkly navy blue dress, tho there wuz also a pink 1 dat nobody got 4 meh dat I rly wanted, n Mom wuz forcing colors I didnt like on2 meh (I never thought id say I h8 a color...but BEIGE...), but in teh end, I got a pretty outfit dat I liked! THEN we went 2 Hot Topic, mai budget wuz blown, n as I picked up a SOAD shirt, Mom loudly announced dat I could go insane in teh store, so meh n Phoenix did. She got a new outfit 4 herself (skirt w roses on it, fishnet tights, n red sunglasses), n i got a few moar shirts n a plushie. @ teh checkout, I also had a run in w teh local hive mind trying 2 get meh 2 assimil8 w them after I said I wanted 2 watch Kiki's Delivery Service (N I wuz on a ghibli kick in 1999...). Dis freaked meh out enough 2 never watch it, tho im sad bcuz it looks kyoot. After our narrow escape frum teh hive mind, we stopped n got pizza @ sbarro. I tried a stromboli n it wuz pretty gewd. Dats basically it 4 teh mall portion, n i gotta go bcuz I just got teh matrix scripts ive wanted 4 so long n I havew 2 briefly pause n run around mai room screaming in joy. Wooo wee, I've been neglectin dis thing haven't I? Well, I'm back n im proud 2 say dat my brother has commenced! Dats wat they call it when you gradu8 college! We took him out 4 dinner @ mai fave restaurant, n we also got ice cream! On another note, I FINALLY watched t2 last night after months of procrastin' but mai bitchass Mom came in n 4ced meh 2 shut off teh movie right as it wuz gettin SUPER good. Why? I needed 2 shower. Fuck u Mom, datmovie wuz gr8, n teh DEVD I got of it iz all fucked up, so how teh hell do I watch it again now? Yea, rant over, im kinda sleepy, mayb ill draw a thing. Im back, n proud 2 say ill b upd8n mai LTE a LOT MOAR! 2day, Im gonna rant bout hmmm...wat do I rant bout. Did a do a Maggio's pizza rant b4? Seems like I didnt! So, when I wuz 11, this pizza place opened up where Maria's pizza used 2 b. I never had Maria's but I bet it wuz hazardous. So, I walk inside of Maggio's, there's a TV playing a kewl show, n I get a free soda. Dis wuz good until bout 2 years ago, where I started getting repulsed by Dad's constant ordering of teh pizza frum there. We havent eaten Maggio'a in a while, we almost did 2nite, but they couldnt deliver prime rib 2 mai house, so its their loss. Speaking of pizza, mai brother iz frens w teh founder of Moscato's grandson! I wanna stop now, but I need 2 keep goin, I never knew I had a soft spot 4 Lilly Allen songs. I give up lmao. Im back, n ive decided 2 keep dis open 24/7/ So, I gotta make this quick bcuz Im gonna finally take a shower! N guess wat? 2day's rant iz bout SHOWERING! Moar specifcally, time showering. I always found it odd why ppl shower in teh morning n not @ night, I always showered @ night, bcuz dats how Mom raised meh. Mai brother tho, he showers in teh mornings,. Lets think of it. U wash off in teh morning JUST 2 GET DIRTY AGAIN? Why not shower @ night like meh, wash off all teh grime u got all over urself dat day! Im back, n while I write teh script 4 mai radio takeover, lemme b honest. VINYL IZ TEH BANE OF MAI EXISTNECE!!!! I used 2 own a record player but IT BREAKED!!!!!! So, I just got back frum teh video game store, n not only wuz there NOT A SINGLE KEVIN SMITH MOVIE 4 MEH 2 WATCH, but there's also no Evanescence backup CD, @ Disc Replay they had teh clemency (Iz dat teh right word? I hear di t get used in an NSFW Agent Smith rp years ago) 2 make backup CDs of every record they had...EXCEPT 4 TEH OPEN DOOR!!!!!!!!!!!! I CALL BULLSHIT!!!!!!!! I should write dat script 2 calm down. Im back, n 4 sum reason I haven't sent teh script 2 teh radio. But I DID go on a vacation, where I had 2 face off against mai enemy: Teh drive thru. Twice. N both times were actually decent. But I also spent teh whole ride 2 and frum searching gas stations 4 a grey cat plushie named Morgan dat I saw after getting trapped in a Speedway bathroom where I busted teh door down after 3 minutes of screaming n crying dat proved 2 meh speedway bathrooms r soundproof. SPOILER: I never found Morgan, instead I found I german shepherd named Spirit who wuz born teh day teh matrix reloaded came out. Speaking of teh matrix, I have sad news, but we'll try 2 b happy now. Speaking of happy, 1ce I got 2 teh cabin, I wuznt very happy, so I started sobbing. Hey wait, mayb I should check Jenny's LTE, I feel like I've read dis b4. Well, guess I did. Back 2 teh rant, but anything dat makes teh text number go up iz good! So, eventually, Dad heard me sobbing, so he went out n got dairyqueen 4 meh...BUT HE DIDNT BRING BACK ICE CREAM! What kind of sicko goes 2 dairy queen n DOESNT get ice cream? Granted, he said we had sweets there, BUT WE DIDNT HAVE ANY ICE CREAM!!!!! So, reasonably, when we went 2 dollar general (n then Yoder's) teh next day, @ Yoder's, I got a chocolate strawberry milkshake, which I then left in teh freezer until it wuz essentially cylindrical ice cream, n then poured in2 a bowl n 8 it w a fork. A classic Kentucky treat: Frozen Milkshake Frum Yoder's In A Ceramic Bowl. Teh day I went 2 Yoder's wuz also teh day of mai brother's grad party, where I learned dat I am apparently an aunt now, gave 1 of mai plushies away 2 mai cousin's kids (They wanted teh neopet, but I gave them teh pomeranian instead bcuz TEH NEOPET WUZ MAI EMOTIONAL SUPPORT PLUSHIE 4 HALF OF 6TRH GRADE!!!!!!!!! (I do NOT know wat an aunt iz lol), talked bout horrors b-yond human comprehension w mai confused cousin who just wanted 2 tell meh where teh lasagna n fruit salad were, in between those 2 events, mai niece drowned in mud. Rest in Peace Kinslee. @ teh grad party, we also had a reguloar, veggie salad, fried chicken, brownies, mashed potatoes, sum weird colorful pasta, n COLE SLAW. Yes, teh dreaded Southern "cuisine"wuz there. But im not surprised, bcuz DIS IS KENTUCKY. After teh party ended, meh n mai brother spent hours n hours talkin bout looney tunes n sum funny gwimbly game. His fave looney tunes character iz Injun Joe frum a Yosemite Sam cartoon, did ya know? We also talked bout every entertainment company b-coming a giant conglomer8 after I talked bout teh possibility of a matrix/invader zim crossover. Teh day after dat, I went 2 teh flea market, n went way over budget lmao. But hey, I got a pretty figurine of a singer I have never heard of n bought solely bcuz it looked cool! Dat same day, we caught teh mouse that'd been terrorizing teh cabin, n I desper8ly wanted 2 catch it bhcuz I luv mice, they r pretty kyoot :3 although when mai Mom tells teh story, she says I named it Batman, but I actually named teh mouse Dan, there wuz just a funny looney tunes cartoon on TV (Gr8 Piggy Bank Robbery),  n there iz a part where Daffy's listing off all teh villains n 1 of them iz BVatman, but like an anthropomorphic baseball bat. Teh day of our return, I got stuck in 45 minutes of gridlock, but @ least we found a different route home n i got 2 play w her dogs. Well, after 3 n a half years of yapping, u think I should put dis thing in a word counter? Well, anyways, remember Morgan teh grey cat I spent vacation searching 4? Dad went on a business trip 2 Kentucky a few weeks ago n he remembered teh loc8on of teh Speedway I found Morgan @. Right by teh Dunkin Donuts, exit sumwhere early in2 Indiana. He got there, n he found it! I wuz such a lucky girl! But I also feel kinda sick n nervous n sad n all these bad emotions simultaneously. So after dis, im gonna play sum sorta vidya game. U c, Damian got in2 a HUGE fight w his parents so now I cant talk 2 him on his main until only god knows when. Mai goal 2nite iz 2 stay up til midnight in teh hopes of asking him when I get 2 talk 2 him again. All dis pressure accumul8ng deep within meh makes meh feel like im going 2 burst in2 a rage of angry kittens eventually. Speaking of kittens, I found sum real gross porn a few weeks ago, but there wuz a kyoot blanket w a kitten pattern lazily photoshopped on2 it, so I go find teh pattern via reverse image searching tools, n 1ce I find it, I realize there's moar than just teh kyoot lil happy kittehs on a pink background, but also depressed kitties on a blue background, sleepy kitties on a purple background, embarrassed kittehs on a white background, n angry kittehs on a yellow background (which wuz Damian's fave outta all of them!). U know, should I play a game on mai PS3, or a flash game on newgrounds. I'll try both, n when I determine which wuz moar fun, I'll get back 2 u. Cya! N now im starting 2 qauestion if i even want 2 write dis thing anymore...hmmm, i wuz gonna type a gewd rant but i guess teh matrix online's shutdown got meh feelin 2 depressed 2 write much...bah :<...Well, Im back. After deciding against time, I have become an entity of pure existence, meaning I am sumthn kinda like omnipresent. N i am trying 2 b a good owner again, so i am going 2 try n get back 2 mai schedule of wonderfully weird goodness...I hope. Lets start off with sumthn i've wanted 2 get off mai chest 4 a moment. Teh glorification of elev8r accidents in media. Have any of u ever heard of Nicholas White? In 1999, he got trapped in an elev8r 4 2 days n after that, a lot of shows decided 2 have an episode where 2 characters get trapped in an elev8r 2gether...well, i wuz trapped in an elev8r 2, I got pretty bad PTSD frum it, n if i wuz only trapped 4 5 minutes, imagine how a man trapped 4 42 HOURS would react 2 a similar thing. I can confirm he wuz left traumatized by teh incident 2, n it feels like teh facct u didnt c dat kind of plot much til teh Nicholas White incident just confirms they're trying 2 mock teh poor guy! NOT KEWL NICKELODEON! SAME GOES 4 U, DISNEY! Sure, sum ppl use comedy 2 cope, but just teh sanitiz8n of sumthn like dat happening 2 ppl iz crazy. Imagine being Nick White, stuck in an elev8r 4 2 days, n after u r rescued, teh news gets out n on teh other side of teh country, sum asshole iz chuckling 2 himself sayign "We have teh next idea 4 an episode of a bad sitcom!" If I became a national news story n ppl started making teen sitcom episodes based on mai trauma, I'd b carrying a sledgehammer around ready 2 bash sum1's skull in. Which makes meh wonder if Nic ever got violent after teh incident, "o nick, why did u skip out on work on us?" "I WAS IN TEH GODDAMN ELEV8R N U GUYS WERE DOING JACK SHIT WHILE I SUFFERED!" n then he just shits on teh floor, dats wat I would do if I were him. He just kept suffering a CONGA LINE of bad shit after teh elev8r incident, n I kinda look up 2 him bcuz he makes me feel seen in a world of bitches saying im faking PTSD 4 clout...im not. I genuinely got fucked up after dat incident. In order 2 transition teh subject 2 sumthn moar lighthearted, here's a section of teh lyrics of How Marvin Eats His Breakfast...You call this breakfast on my birthday? This is shit, this isn't breakfast, I COULD CRACK YOUR FEET! I mean, for god's sake am I talking 2 teh wall, when I say breakfast i mean FOOD! Ok, now here's where I honor Aiden, a guy I just met. He accidentally sent meh a fren request on IM n I accepted it thinking i knew him, n I wuz shocked 2 know dat he liked doing superpower roleplays...i used 2 do those 2, but i lost interest...until he came along. NOW IM GONNA RANT BOUT OUR CHARACTERS!!!!

Nuri - his character
Nuri has typhokinesis (teh power 2 manipul8 smoke), he nearly died in a house fire when he wuz lil, n his family died even tho he n his sister survived. He joined a secret organiza8n dat controlled elemtnal powers 4 evil, n after a while he escaped n took down his organization. Then shortly after, he encountered a guy we call VX, who had teh power 2 transform others in2 his clones via an airborne pathogen...hence teh name VX, like VX GAS! He lost many allies n his sister 2 dis battle. His allies died 2 VX, his sister died 2 a guy who could control teh amount of lead n ppls bodies n he killed her. After sum1 managed 2 seal VX in a pocket dimension, he ran away n met Maneater, mai character

Maneater wuz born as Savannah Smith n lived in a big city, w her parents n her brother Maddox, who played guitar. She had a nice life but her parents always fought, n as she got older she started suffering a lot of mental problems. Many of her friends pushed her away so she always retreated 2 teh internet when times got tough. 1 day during a brutal fight, she attempted suicide, n woke up on her own as if her parents hadnt even noticed she killed herself. Her love of a fictional character brought her back 2 life. She had gained the power of assimil8ve replic8n (teh power 2 turn others in2 copies of urself), but didnt realize until a skool fight. She attacked a kid who made fun of teh scars on her wrists (why she always wears gloves) n he ended up turning in2 her. She became known as man0eater, a virus wreaking havoc on her city.
Things calmed down after a while, n her n a few clones hung out in her soon-to-be condemned apartment until it wuz...well, condemned! She took 2 teh streets n made friends such as The King of the Afterlife himself, Arcane, who can do literally anything, n Khemeleon, a girl w teh power 2 copy other's powers. 1 day, Khemeleon went missing n she spent a long time searching 4 her, even assimil8ng a cop who claimed he knew bout her whereabouts, so she assimil8d him 2 c if he really knew...he lied 2 her. 1 day, she wuz labeled a genocide-level threat by teh government, n decided 2 take refuge in a night club, where a humanoid eldritch b-ing gave her sum good advice. She dressed up 5 of her clones n different outfits, n iz hiding under different identities.
When she met Nuri, her life improved 4 teh better, n Nuri iz trying 2 clear her name n prove she iz NOT a threat 2 society

Neato, huh? He makes meh happy :D dont worry damian i still luv u! Anyways ur probley wondering why im typing after so long. BCUZ Y NOT? While I'm here, wanna hear bout mai christmas? It wuz rly rly fun, n we had ppl over on Christmas Eve. On christmas eve, I unboxed
- A black cat plushie named Brench
- Entertainment Weekly's Best of 2003
- Many earrings
-Sum hariclips

N teh next day wuz christmas! 4 christmas, I got
-A Twisted Roses poster (its like Evanescence but in Neopets)
-An MCR poster!
- A new flip phone (we switched frum ATT 2 verizon), 2day dad gave meh a 128 gig memory card 4 it! (1337)
- A sk8board + everything 2 help meh learn how 2 sk8
- A karaoke machine
- 2 Pirates of teh Caribbean shirts
- 2 Elrond figurines in a row
- A pair of flare jeans w butterflies on them
- A Matrix themed board game (ME ME ME MODE EXISTS!)
-Well...i should probley put up teh Neopets poster now. I'll finishe dis list l8r. Ok im back frum putting up teh poster. I give up. K, Im back. Mai 1st day of skool wuz alright, I got a lil emotional over a book , n I decided dat mai boots were evil. I dunno why i even type in dis thing anymore. I lost teh plot long ago. DIS WUZ SUPPOSED 2 PASS OUR GREAT LORD N SAVIOR MS. SCHULTZ' WEBPAGE! Yet all I do iz fuck fuck fuck around...anyways let's see how long dis motherfuckin thing REALLY is...A good 15k words, but didn't our lord and savior's have 1 million words? Oh wait, only lik 35k characters? I have 15k words, so I could get there if I tried. U KNOW WAT DAT MEANS FOLKS! IM ALMOST THERE! I just gotta keep typing n typing...but its a skool night. I dont think I can sleep 2night bcuz apparently sum1 got teh gr8 idea of making a hyperrealistic video of a mut8d rotting toe puking up chunks of meat. Eugh, just THINKING bout it makes meh wanna die. I am so sorry, reader, did I scare u away! In order 2 earn ur forgiveness, I will make a webpage consisting entirely of cute cats soon 2 cleanse ur mind of dat iamge. How soon? I dunno, its 11:30 AKA late, n it iz also no longer winter break which means suffering. I 4ced maiself 2 keep watching bcuz I liked teh song. Anyways, if u r a true nekoriki veteran, u may remember on teh original evilweaselz website I had a rant on As Seen On TV products n how wonderful they r. "Shade, u have already covered dis!" Ok, does it look like I care? When I go 2 teh nail spa, I c As Seen On TV products EVERYWHERE. I've even THOUGHT bout buying sum. Right now, I'm gonna turn on a channel showing infomercials n c wat's gonna b teh topic of interest until its time 2 talk bout nail salons. Ok, back frum mai TV plight. Only 1 channel iz showing infomercials now, n its teh 1s w teh starving African kids, which iznt a very good topic unless ur eating, which I am not. Perhaps we should go on2 teh as seen on TV website n figure out wat garbage they r selling right now. First thing's first, RUBY SPACE TRIANGLES. I thought Ruby went out of business a long time ago, or mayb they just make triangles now. Wat teh absolute FUCK r these things. Hm, seems like they're closet space saving hangers. I might need sum. Dats teh thing w these kinds of products, they trick u in2 thinking u need them, they're wonderfully pointless! QUICK BREAK 2 BRING UP SUMTHN. While looking up teh tv guide 2 search 4 as seen on TV products, I came across a shitty LOTR ripoff w racist elves n black hobbits, n I wuz like "no, Elrond would NEVER..." n i just kinda started laughing. Middle earth elves r 2 cool 2 b racist, right Elrond figurine dats been trapped in a bx 4 multiple years? *aggressive shaking*. Hm, teh InuYasha iz calling meh. I have 2 keep typing tho, 4 JENNY, 2 SURPASS HER! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Didn't I promise a rant on nail spas? Ok, so meh n momn have been hunting teh city 4 teh best nail salon of all. 1st, we started @ Lush, which wuz rly good except 4 da\at time I burnt teh skin off mai ear accidentally. I like it, but Mom thinks its dirty. It looked pretty clean 2 meh last time we went there. After teh complete, utter disappointment of Lush no longer serving us, I went 2 Perfect Nails, a moar ghetto, dirtier salon. They did a good job anyways, n even tho I yelled @ teh man doing mai nails teh whole time, he wuz still kind n understanding, tho they cant draw biohazard symbols there, as I have observed. They gave meh a cute pattern anyways which I didnt expect. I wuz pretty sad cuz their reviews said they could do rly neat complex designs. While I went 2 perfect nails, mom went 2 rockford nails, which wuz cool, but they didnt do designs (perfect nails did designs, they just cant paint biohazard symbols). Eventually, we settled on Yohanny, which wuz pretty good 4 a while until a nail popped off n I wuz in so much pain I had 2 go home....*scoff*, WHY AM I DAT SENSITIVE????? So, ever since DAT happened @ Yohanny, we've been going 2 Jovi, n lemme tell u, it iz pretty fun there. They have a show bout barbecue on + a show bout house hunting n i like 2 altern8 between watching teh 2, but teh problems there r teh manicures dont last long, so teh manicure I got over winter break iz already chipped n falling apart, n not 2 mention it kinda hurts 2 get ur nails done over there. Meh n mom r gonna check out Lovely Nails 1ce I decide on wat Im gonna get. I should probley go look @ designs n do a whole bunch of other stuff soon. Cya eventually. Ok, im back. I got mai nails done ( i chose brown n pink, teh thumb has a dripping effect dat looks like chocolate, teh index finger iz just brown, teh middle finger has polka dots, teh ring finger has hearts, n teh pinky has a zigzag) I decided 2 write in mai little LTE 2day bcuz I'm getting mai schedule switched around. I still have social studies n math n PE, but now I have reading n sociology, coding, n health n safety. I finally got a taste of wat its like in its entirety. Sociology, I had 2 skip 2day bcuz Mrs. Mileham had duties 2 attend. Instead, I wrote bout 100 (mai beloved faerie acara) while listening 2 Ms Neves drone on n on bout types of energy n their different evils. Then I got 2 join in their coding class, but they ran in2 sum trouble so i couldnt do it, so I entertained every1 by spouting pointless laws in various . All teh high schoolers luv meh! I even received teh nickname of Siri bcuz i just do lots of random things. Then we went 2 pick up Eliana 2 c if she wanted 2 watch a special movie, n we ended up watching Bruce Almighty (or @ least teh 1st 30 minutes of it) while I ate a mystery chicken alfredo w laxative sauce. Finally, Mr. Burke's class, where we learned bout how 2 prevent ur identity frum being stolen (n also a 3 minute lesson on why cannibalism iz bad after a fight broke out in vlass) n I did a kewl Neopets drawing! Speaking of dat, teh eBay Shopper Coub now has a new poll running! I run polls there frequently. This time, its 4 an art gallery on mai websaite, where I can share all mai neato cheeto art. Anyways, ur probley wonderin bout lovely nails, arentcha? Instead, we went 2 dis weird place called Gloss 4 mai nails. It wuz...weird. All nail salons have a skin-burning sens8n 1ce u walk in, which seemed 2 b even clearer 4 Gloss, which iz funny cuz Jovi does teh most painful manicures I have ever had teh pleasure of (pleasure, bcuz they use lots of stickers, which r rly kawaii!) , teh salon felt very weird but nonetheless good. I also got 2 go 2 teh mall n mom caused a huge scene over my elevatophobia (iz dat a real word?) n frum dat day on, I swore I would only tell teh TRUTH! N mai brother was trying 2 calm meh down while mai mom tried 2 crash teh car AGAIN (2 car accidents in 1 month? NO WAY. Yes, I got in a crash, i suffered a concussion n slept 4 13 hours, i had a dream where i met jhonen vasquez at a strange liminal mall). I NEVER GOT MAI CINNABON. HOW CRUEL? NO CINNABON"? I also ghot 2 visit a kewl new store called Melvin's, which may have been teh catalyst 4 mom's freakout. Melvin's is a kewl little thrift store @ teh mall, on teh side across frum teh elev8r, there I got a 2-small, button up El General, n a pair of jeans dat prove 2 mom why i dont buy clothes frum teh women's section. However, it did give meh a new weight loss goal. I;m starting small cuz im fine w being chubby, its just dat I want 2 b able 2 fit in mai Fetish jeans n a Size M shirt. Mai El General iz a Size L though, i decided size L wuz mai size after throwing on a size m zebra print tank top in a fit of rage when I wuz 13, even tho size XL iz mai TRUE size. There wuz a rly kyoot monster eenrgy shirt i unfortun8ly passed up there 4 sum dumb reason, n teh el general shirt had a tear on teh back, so loss I guess. Teh decor wuz pretty cool, there's a few posters n framed magazines, n there's even a fake TV n a Gerard Way standee in teh window! They were playing a panic!at the disco song (build god, then we'll talk) which i declare teh official theme song of teh mall bcuz in teh past i made a video of teh mall w dat song in it. While I wuz trying on mai El General shirt, they started playing Avril Lavigne in teh changing room ^^ now i finally ran outta ideas, so guess its time 4 me 2 just go....(in an aaron lewis voice...i luv staind!) okay back. 2day's LTE ramblings came 2 me like an affliction, n they're leaving meh like an addiction...iz dat wat henry rollins said? Anyways, teh local rock radio has a 1 hour 90s block every day where they play 90s rock, n I learned bout rollins band frum there...its henry rollins, he rox! I dont listen 2 much rollins (I HAVE heard liar n low self opinion, liar iz mai fave) n let meh tell u, its even better live! I may even write a love letter 2 teh x. also, i might just post mai educational papers here b cuz anything 2 feed dis literal BEAST. N I JUST DISCOVERED AN LTE W 46K WORDS. I. NEED. 2. WRITE. MOAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRR. 1 time, we were caught in a blizzard on our way home frum teh nail salon n teh line dat gave us our SPECIAL RADIO froze over, we were listening 2 limp bizskit, n then we  had 2 turn on turbo n they were playing LIMP BIZKIT AS WELL (special radio played re-arrange, the x played rollin) wow im dizzy. but i have so much moar 2 type. Should I start dating dis? nah, probley wont. anyways, i think i finally understand why those "healthy" microwave meals r considered good 4 weight loss. I 8 mac n cheese lean cuisine (its nasty, plz dont eat it) teh day i deepcleaned mai room n i spent an hour on teh shitter. 2day, nothing odd has brewed in mai stomach yet, so it might just b teh god of lean cuisine showing meh mercy. N now I have wasted AN ENTIRE HOUR TYPING DIS! WOOOOOHOOOOOOO! PLZ KILL MEH@!!!! GAHHHHHHH! Now time 4 commercials. *this a paid advertisement sponsored by NekoRiki Unlaw Firm,* ATTENTION SUMMIT SCHOOL STUDENTS! If your friend has been taken by ELI, you may be entitled to snack compensation! ELI has been recently infecting students at Summit with side effects including finding sexual assault funny, the tendency to moan the word "daddy' in girls' ears, and serious brain damage. If you or someone you know believes they are falling victim to ELI, call the NekoRiki Unlaw firm at 1-666-435-5667. That's 1-666-435-5667. Welcome back to Shade's LTE. I'm really tired so this is an exercise to wake me up that DOESN'T involve mom's cool treadmill. Why do i run on dat thing 4 like an hour n only end up burning off like, the calorie equivalent of a bite of a cupcake? Its all we got, our GOOD cardio machine iz gone now. I guess I'll just sing 90s alt rock til dinner arrives. mom got meh tom n jerrys, its a rly good local gyro place, its like a 50s diner sorta, i get chicken tenders, mac n cheese, a shake, n sumtimes a treat like those cookie bars or funnel cake fries, makes a gret MxO treat. I always eat dinner while I play MxO cuz i play l8. they also have lots of shake flavors, i like cherry, raspberry, n cookies n cream! I guess i should sing now...i'm sick of maiself when i tihnk of u, something that's beautiful n true, in a world dats ugly n a lie, its hard 2 even wonder why, i'm beginning 2 think, baby u dont know! (Matthew Sweet - Sick of Myself)...Little Miss Little Miss Little Miss Can't Be wrong, whathca gonna do to get into another one of these rock n roll songs...(spin doctors- TAKE A WILD FUCKING GUESS! [little miss can't be wrong]) hahhhh...im exhausted. i need to play neopets or something...seeya. im back. they forgot 2 get meh mai raspberry shake, but they're on teh way w it now! ^^ mom verbally assaulted teh guy who took phone calls 4 it though. i might watch a movie in teh timeless chamber. teh timeless chamber iz our garage, its always midnight in there. i like watching movies, we just got the TV fixed out there. I also learned sum1 painted a white sox sign on a wall, n dad painted over it w red paint cuz he didnt have any white paint. Then he put a TV there *sniffle* oh, how i miss dat TV. like i miss sobe. I never had sobe, but I want SoBe, strawberry banana sobe. i haven't found anything close 2 it yet. I'm announcing something HUGE in teh shopper coub though now. 2mrw, i plan on writing an entry ENTIRELY in numbers. 43550! 8415 47 8428 3689 4 927 8255464 22688 937837329! 4 238 8 846848 4 63268 133777325 9436 4 7243 8447 96853 23 9748836 46 6862377! 968 9373 76. 76 97664! Wow, even just THAT was tiring. Next time, I'll stick to good ol 1337speek. Not feelin well 2day. On january 31st, they announced dat a game i used 2 love iz shutting down 4EVA!!!! I've been trying 2 play as much as possible. Dis iz how a girl turns evil. i need 2 get those neil zawacki books. dis wuz a short entry, im probley going. I also been playing lots n lots of Neopets l8ly (finally, the days of Shade b-ing a bad parent r over!) I'm back. I have 2 factory reset mai computer, n im getting SUPER DUPER emotional over it (as mai imood st8s) n its odd bcuz i cry moar over literal OBJECTS than other ppl. i know its necessary cuz teh computer barely works anymore, but i've just grown so attached 2 it dat its hard 4 meh 2 say goodbye...i dont want 2 think of it as a goodbye, I want 2 think of it as a "we'll meet again soon!" bcuz I just know I'll get mai computer 2 b even cooler than it wuz b4! I just KNOW! But now, im writing a sappy letter 2 mai computer bout how much i luv it n how badly i feel over resetting it. wat teh fuck iz wrong w meh? Okay, I'm back. 2day wuz Super Bowl Sunday, n I now declare teh Super Bowl as EVIL. I don't even LIKE football! I only watch 4 teh commercials! But dis year, teh evil AngelSoft babies came in n ruined mai life! TEH FUCKING ANGELSOFT BABIES R EVIL! They made meh lock maiself in teh bathroom, n now I live in fear of wat they r gonna do 2 meh. im scared. Did u know dat 99% of ramblers quit b4 they form a coherent thought? How interesting. Although i have school 2mrw, I'm gonna keep typing until I 4m a coherent rant! Wouldnt dat b cool? Shit, teh everything iz getting 2 meh. I think i gotta go. Okay, 2day Im here 2 ramble bout buttermints n Get A New Name Day. So, as of Get A New Name Day, I unofficially go by Trinity! *grumbles* why did I let mai useless fucking ferret minions choose mai new name...Sophie Jane had a nice ring 2 it! *Shakes fist @ sky n screams @ cloud* I find it pretty funny how Get A New Name Day is IMMEDI8LY followed by valentines day, so all teh cards r mismatched Speaking of dat, I always wondered why OUR family out of all families never gives out Christmas cards. I guess we just rn't dat kind of family. Anyways, back 2 rant. I also mentioned I would talk b out buttermints b4 i run off n watch monty python. Well, they certainly r an enigma. I like them moar than regular mints bcuz they're nice n crumbly n chewy n SHTUFF, but they seemingly melt in ur mouth. I cracked open a buttermint n no liquid came out, but I put 1 in mai mouth n did it again, dis time w mai teeth while teh mint wuz in mai mouth n mai mouth was flooded w gooey buttery minty stuff.  HOW DO THEY DO IT? WAT R THEY TRYING 2 HIDE FRUM US? Iz it dat teh mint just feels moar comfortable within teh mouth n there4 allows itself 2 bleed 4 us, or did teh habitat of mai mouth KILL teh thing. Wow, im just thinking bout how many movies i need 2 watch. Im gonna watch monty python, but i also wanna watch Alien, n 2001 Space Odyssey, n The Right-Hand Man (AGAIN, I 1st saw it on kentucky public access tv when i last went 2 kentucky) mayb I should start a watchlist or sumthn. But wouldnt dat impede mai goal of watching Monty Python? Hm, o well. Best 2 not think bout it 2 much. Ohh, look wh's back, back again, Shady's back, tell a friend!...wait, havent i made dis joke b4? Ehhh, who cares. It adds 2 teh wrod count. anything 4 teh word count....ahhhhh...Anyways, Im trying 2 form a habit of watching Hugo Weaving films on Fridays, which i doubt i can do bcuz Im gonna c how many movies i can watch @ 1ce 2mrw (lord of the rings, pirates of teh caribbean, n teh matrix ALL @ 1CE???? WTF!!!!) m I also have a nail appointment (better think of a design ^o^ but I did watch Frauds, i wanted 2 watch Wendy Cracked A Walnut, but all teh torrenting sites didnt have SHIT on dat movie, so i had 2 go 4 frauds, n lemme tell u; it wuz pretty great. I will now record all mai thoughts in order, as I hoooked up a machine 2 mai mind dat posted mai entire stream of consciousness to myspace statuses. N then I will provide wat actually happened


Shade claims she sat down late at night with a pack of strabwerry cheesecake flavored yogurt, which she did not eat because she thinks she is too fat. Immediately, she fell in love with the movie, quoting "You're turning into one big walking whoreman" and "I've palyed this before, naked and covered in baby oil" she became very attached to the Wheats, especially Bethany...(was her name Bethany) she studied Jonathan Wheats' face and realized that he looks sort of like the local pizza delivery man realizing the house rumors were true; that a bent up, sunbleached stand-up of agent smith is ALWAYS watching him. Later on, she finds more quotable lines such as an exchange between Bethany and Jonathan
Beth: "What are you doing?"
John: "Remembering."
Shade observed a scene in which they tried playing Naked Twister; this is when the true fun begins, as the evil insurance man who fucks with them comes into play at this part. "For one night, let's think with our dicks." which makes her chuckle; nothing like a good "girls with male genitals/boys with female genitals" joke, amirite?
The insurance man wants to check on the table, but he instead plays Yahtzee on it, as she claims.
After a bit more drama, Jonathan runs away and beth screams to him "ONE ELEPHANT, TWO ELEPHANTS, THREE GODDAMN ELEPHANTS"
Later on, she noticed Hugo looked very "sleepy weepy" and adorable, while also observing Roland's comedically long telephone wire. Shade claims that while Jonathan wanted to arrange a serious meeting, Insuranceman Roland instead wanted to play Monopoly. He then went swimming while the two seemingly filed for divorce.
CORRECTION: It was financial stuff
"Never let me become an insurance agent, I'll become something like Roland" Shade was recorded saying. She also claims that Hugo Weaving looks eternally constipated and that makes him cute. Later on, she saw that once Beth returned to the placeshe works at, kids drew their ideas of what she did on vacation; walking her pet cat, going to the beach, getting into a car accident, and her insurance agent pretending to be 8 years old and snitching on her; aas if he infested the daycare with rats. At one point, Jonathan Wheats chased down Roland for trying to make them sell their cars to him. Shade claims she memorized this by watching the ripples of Wheats' fat bootycheeks jiggling. Next, the two ended up at a playground where Roland tried playing a very freaky game in front of a bunch of children. The deal? If Jonathan rolls a certain number of dice, he will never see Roland again, but if he rolls a different number, he will become Roland's pet, which causes Wheats to just go crazy. (think of the fuckin children)
"Celia from Proof is worse," was one of the things Shade was recorded saying on this topic, along with "I think Roland's craving Jonathan's asscheeks"
There were also reports of Bethany putting a prerecorded message that said things such as "I enjoy my work; it is very challenging" and A"I will not get angry today" however Bethany was skeptical of the second one. (Smith, this thing is JAMPACKED with spelling errors, isn't it?
Another thing she claims Bethany said was "Every time I think of the silverware, I throw up"
After Jonathan got trapped in the Freakyhouse 69 as she nicknamed it, she had to stop watching due to multiple factors.
Witnesses say Shade's assessment of the events of Frauds were "thoroughly entertaining"

The transcript will be posted at a later date, for this shitty coding job could not handle it. And now...back to the show! I've got a VERY busy March ahead of me: 2mrw is "3 TVs @ 1ce" day, n then a few days l8r I go 2 Milwaukee 2 c disturbed n 3 days grace n stay @ dat LUXURIOUS hotel they got, n then in March I'm headed 2 Florida 2 c how much Floridian behavior I can withstand b4 I implode. I get 2 c mai less...fortun8 family members (Do they WANT 2 die) n probley a ton moar. While teh rest of teh family iz gonna try 2 enjoy flroida 2 tehf ullest, im gonna try as many ways as possible 2 sabotage teh vaca8n n then afterwards i'll sit in our beach house wearing naught but a bikini, eating Bojangle's n playing on mai PS2. I WILL REMEMBER 2 PACK IT DIS TIME!!! Teh parents promised 2 let meh have Hardee's n Bojangle's 4 teh 1st time in 4ever dis vacay, n if they dont uphold those instructions, I am going 2 DIE. im getting tired, cya...eventually?