January 6: New LTE rants on random topics like nail salons + upd8s 2 teh quote page, n a new page dedic8d 2 mai skool photography project
February 6: Running on a new system! Removed teh moar recre8nal matrix pages, which will b replaced by sumthn cooler @ a l8r d8
Feb 27: Added a page of funny things to do n a midwestern winter poem, also deleted the 2 sentence page 4 a page of actual short stories coming soon ^^
March 28: Memorial 4 Alex Spencer has been put up, who killed himself in teh wee hours of March 26, 2010. Didnt even liv 2 hear another Linkin Park album :(
August 1: I did a drawing 4 all mai MxO buddies 2 hold u off until teh Memory Book comes out, I rly wanna kill maiself but I havent lived 2 c Revolutions on Blu-Ray or teh memory book, JUST GOTTA MAKE IT 2 OCTOBER!! Expect little 2 no art during dis timeframe
July 12th: LTE life update
June 7: Check out teh brand new LTE entry!
June 1: Removed teh art gallery, it wuz pret much useless anyways. Teh page now redirects 2 mai deviantART
May 4: Vote on teh new poll! Also check out teh LTE entryu bout mai mall trip
May 1: New MxO memories page
March 27: HUGE upd8 2 teh behind the scenes gallery. Also upd8s 2 teh Mini Horrors
March 7th: HUGE Behind the Scenes photo gallery upd8, along w moar minor upd8s 4 other categories
March 2nd: Start teh new month off right, w an LTE entry bout mai crush on The Termin8r n anime mcdonalds's!
February 6: So, on February 2nd, tragedy struck. I had 2 factory reset mai computer. So now dat I've cleared up frum dat, guess I can get back 2 ermmm...websiting! Also wrote an LTE entry bout where I've been, n another 1 bout how fast food iznt rly dat fast
January 12: New image gallery iz now up!
January 1: New page dedicated to my short horror stories is up!
Dec 28: New LTE rant just dropped, bout Christmas vacaton n shtuff
October 10: Zim Pix page just dropped, bring ya wife, bring ya kidz!
September 1: Moved 2 teh new domain! Its pretty iznt it?
August 15: HUGE graphics collection upd8
August 12: A new LTE rant bout teh wonders of game modding, using Resident Evil 4!
July 12: New photos in mai personal photos gallery!
May 15: Various matrix reloaded anniversary upd8s
February 18: New funny photo gallery
January 6: New image gallery iz now up!
January 1: TOTALLY revamped teh page 4 teh 1st matrix film, it wuz super fucked up looking, i also added a couple links n a new LTE rant bout Teh Song That Never Ends
Oct 17: Back frum vacay! New LTE entry up!
October 1: New LTE entry up! Its bout Badminton, n an extra 1 bout teh mall has been added 2!
August 1st: New LTE entry bout how mai Dad bought an N64 even tho our family iz broke as hell right now (4 rich pl @ teh very least)
July 9: Misheard Song Lyrics page iz up, will upd8 hen a new song comes out
June 27: Added a page w buttons 4 mai website
May 25: Added a webpage 4 Lord of the Rings character renames
April 4th: Shrunk down sum images dat were 2 big
February 17th: LTE rant bout teh brain
January 20th: Small lil addition 2 teh LTE, n also a new page 4 funny quotes
January 17: New image gallery iz now up!
December 17th: STAWP!!!! I finally added an Animatrix pics thing
August 16: Humor page iz up
July 31st: Hugo Weaving photo gallery coming soon!
January 6: Finally added matrix screencaps!
June 15: Added web links
April 14: Welcome 2 mai site! Ive got sum art up n shrtuff