Leeching is an act in the piracy community where one "leeches" files off of another user, stealing them without providing anything in return for the user. SoulSeek allows you to set anti-leech messages, so here's some I made myself ^^ ranging from simple to straight up silly, here's some totally free-to-use anti-leeching messages!


It isn't the medieval ages anymore, I don't need any leeches

The only leech allowed here is my pet Princess, she has a pink bow wrapped around her.

This is a robbery, give me your files

You wouldn't kill a policeman, take his hat, take a dump while wearing his hat, and then give it to his grieving wife only to steal it again later, so why would you download files from me without sharing some of your own?

Please share some files. If I like your music taste, THEN you get to get some files from me. If not, well expect the next download from me to be in red text


Piracy is fun! Unless you're getting leeched off of...think of the poor sharers!

Stop snivelling, worm monkey! Share those files with me or meet your DOOM!

Look man, I have to deal with racists and pedophiles here all day, and even a small thing can make me break. Don't add to this mess., I'm tired of banning people.

I actually don't care if you're STEALING my files, I just wanted an excuse to message you. How's it been?

Is piracy really a victimless crime? Think ahout it for a few moments.

Ooooh...you are getting very, very sleepy. You want to obey every word I say. I am your master/mistress....wooooooo, share some files with me

(this one is based on a real soulseek message i got) Welcome, take a seat anywhere. I heard you're one of those leeches, eh? Don't worry, you can hang out here until you've got some files of your own to share.