Hot Topic (a.k.a Best store EVERRR!!!!!!)

Layouts 4 everything!

Emily the Strange!!!!

Fren's smith page of d00m!

Website 4 schizophrenic ppl

ANOTHER link 2 mai deviantART

Pon n Zi, a webcomic of LUV!

Flaming Chickens, teh website who made meh who I am!

Mai best fren's deviantART!

Free Smith porn!

ULTIM8 Matrix fan website

Teh official matrix webpage, it's where I got all those cool picz!

Invader Zim website

Jim Benton! He cre8ed Sweetypuss, tell him 2 keep her away frum homophobic teenage boys!

Tanathir's site!

Linkin Park's official website

Who knew teh bunny frum Tiny Toons (HER NAME IZ BABS!!!!!!!!!!!11111!11) had her own website?

Mai school's website! Dont go visit meh tho

KMFDM webpage

Fren's website!

Everything teh average celldweller fan needs!

Best flash movie ever conceptualized
SE: Lain fan website

Those banner ads u c all over mai site

Get down n deirty n do black tar heroin in a clasroom!

Another fun fan-site. Not many trinkets, but lots of theories n funny jokes instead! Ill b saying teh yo mama jokes 4 DAYZ!

Yerf art archive! I miss Yerf...a freen of mine I met in 2005 used 2 use Yerf b4 it shut down!

PsyHigh! It's like High School but AWESUM!!!

EXTREMELY controversial but funny gangsta insult

I'm no rap fan, but...


In dis house, we live well, laugh often, n love...mulch? Haha! I LUV celldwella!

Say NO 2 Grandpa Joe!

Kewl fashion!

4 sum reason, dis website sounds like shoegaze...I dont listen 2 shoegaze much but I like teh website!

Getting closer...

Band Wallpapers

Web Graphix!


Hellblazer website

Zwani's emo graphix!

The reason I keep living

I love you

I love you even more
