An archive of almost all my Two Sentence Horror Stories, in an incorrect order

My Damned Ex (published: October 26, 2006)

I had a bad feeling about seeing my ex everywhere, even after I blocked her on MySpace

That feeling got way worse when I came home one day and saw her holding my current girlfriend as she cried and squirmed, slowly transforming into a copy of my ex

My very first 2SH! Eventually adapted into a longer story of the same name in 2010, with a sequel to the original story written in 2007, which can be read below
Alternate Titles: Me, me, me, Rot and assimilate. The Writer's Not At All Disguised Assimilation Fetish

Why I Take the Stairs (published: March 1, 2007)

She was the last person to use the elevator when it broke on the last day before vacation.

When vacation was over and all the employees returned to work, they weren't very happy to see an emaciated corpse with pulverized fingers from her futile attempts to open the door

Alternate Titles: My Worst Nightmare

Ouch! (published: November 23, 2007)

I greedily devour the mashed potatoes on my plate, so fast it confuses my father sitting at the table.

It's not until a shard of glass slices my throat open and I begin choking on my own blood mixed with mashed potatoes that I realize I should slow down when I eat

Mermaid Tail (published: January 6, 2007)

I put on the mechanical mermaid tail that was too big for me, ready to go for a swim in the hotel's pool with all my friends and get over my fear of being underwater!

As I helplessly thrashed, unable to reach the surface or call out for my mom, I wished the teenage girl who called herself the lifeguard of the pool hadn't gone for a swim herself.

My Damned Ex Reloaded (Never published before, except for an old forum)

After the terrifying encounter with my ex, I locked myself in my bedroom, praying she wouldn't get in.
I stared a million miles into the mirror as I noticed my hair was longer and my eyes were turning green, before I collapsed onto the floor in pain as breasts began to grow

If you can't tell, I REALLY loved that Damned Ex thing even if it got only 40 likes, I also based the breast pain thing on a thing I saw once on a TGTF forum where a guy said growing breasts while on HRT hurts a lot over the course of 5 months. Imagine how much worse it'd be in the span of 5 minutes

It's Not A UTI (published: June 3, 2008)

 "Guys, you might wanna back away, I need to pee"

As he relaxed his body and let it out, he stared in horror as the pool turned bright red

Alternate Titles: Candiru: Cheaper than chlorine (I left the reason he peed blood unknown, but someone suggested a candiru thing, though I'm pretty sure he'd feel something if it was a candiru)

Where the FUCK Am I? (published: October 23, 2006)

Covered in sores, chained to a bed, and gagged, I have already realized escape is impossible.

I glance at the broken TV in the room for the umpteenth time and realize I should've starved to death two weeks ago.

Based on a pocket dimenison thing on deviantART, where they would give you a horror dimension to rot in, I can't remember mine but they forgot to give a survival rating for July, where you were ied to a bed and had open sores on your body, and they said you were definitely gonna survive, which made me think they also disabled starvation, so you're literally just a living corpse
Alternate Titles: Is This A Fetish? (No, I already have a couple about my fetish!)

Waiting Room (published: October 10, 2008)

"Okay, I'll come back tomorrow and see how she's doing" I said, leaving my wife in the waiting room chair

When I returned the next morning, I saw her barely breathing body still in the waiting room chair, nobody having attended to her and nobody looking like they would for a long, long, time.

My most popular story as of Jan 1, 2009, currently with over 3000 likes
Alternate Titles: This Actually Happens A Lot

Good Kitty (published: January 10, 2007)

My little sister found a tiny kitten near a nuclear power plant, and being the animal lover she is, brought it back home.

As my drunk dad storms into the room preparing to beat her for bringing the cat into our house, he realizes it's gone and sees a beautiful, colossal, eldritch being preparing to melt his flesh off for harming its new owner

My second most popular story as of  Jan 1 2009
Alternate Titles: My Dream Cat, Actually Very Nice, Big Scary Cat

Perfect Soldier? (published: October 23, 2006)

I, having a long history of depression, and just having enrolled in the miltary, wanted to test out this Perfect Soldier machine, that would supposedly make you lose all your bad memories and put you in the right mental state to be a soldier.

But it's too late now as I realize I can't remember the names of my parents, and can't think of anything except how good of a soldier I am.

Based on a NationStates roleplay I did in 2003
Alternate Titles: Good Soldiers Follow Orders, Amnesia Was His Name

The Last Straw for Shane (published: October 23, 2006)

Our oldest child was now old enough to stay home and watch over his younger brother

He never really liked his little brother Levi, but when I saw him punching the mutilated mass of blood, flesh, and hair on the ground, I realized how bad of an idea leaving him home alone was

Bad idea Shane, you coulda become one of those cool older brothers who play their Xbox all day and drink Mountain Dew and have a really cool friend group (maybe even I'D be in it!) if you DIDNT KILL YOUR LITTLE BROTHER

She Sung Our Fate (published: October 23, 2006)

She would sing the song of a woman assimilated into a hive mind with her beautiful singing voice.

Looking at dozens of identical men surrounding her, a hand plunges into her chest and she wonders if it was a coincidence her song became reality


Matrix Reference? (published: November 5, 2007)

"Dad, what happened to you?"

Before the little boy could get a response, the dark suited man that used to be his father plunged his hand into his son's chest and soon he found himself changing into the exact man his father had become

Hybrid Theory (published: May 17, 2008)

I happily enrolled in Project Hybrid, as I'd always wanted to be a humanoid cat

They don't tell you that the drugs they use alter your mind and remove all your memories, and as I slowly forget my family, I hope they know this too

Haha, Linkin Park reference

The Creature (March 3rd, 2009)

I've been standing completely motionless in the corner of my room for eight hours, even though the thing in my room stopped making noise an hour ago
How much longer can I last until it kills me too?

Un-Amusement Park (published: April 24, 2008)

Rollercoasters: A fun, thrilling experience that I usually hold near and dear to my heart.

I said usually because I've been stuck upside down on a broken rollercoaster for eighteen hours now, and I don't find this amusing at all.

Based on a true story, except they were only on the coaster for six hours

Damn guy boots (published: January 17, 2009)

"These boots have been passed down in my family for generations!" she says, showing me the vintage rubber boots

Under her breath, she mutters "Wonder if the poor soul who went in there 60 years ago knew she was gonna be processed into a fucking pair of boots."

"The most retarded, nonsensical, runonfest I have ever read" Don't ask the logic behind the crazy wacky boot factory. They melt their rubber, and paint it black. Who would've guessed unless they smelled bad when you first bought them! Also, if you find the original post, you'll see me having a meltdown in the comments

Chaotic Angels (published: December 19, 2008)

"Please god, if you can hear me, bring my girlfriend back!" he pleaded to the sky after his girlfriend's death that night.

When he woke up the next day, he realized his family looked identical to his dead girlfriend, and so was he

Shocking Realism (published: February 23, 2009)

"Sweetie, wake up, it's time for sch-"

As her father opened the door, he was horrified to see her lifeless body hanging from the ceiling.

Based on my constant suicide ideation

Shivers: Sexy version (published: October 16, 2008)

He laughed when he heard of the virus that only affected women and turned them into blonde, sex-crazed zombies

Six days later, they found his infected girlfriend sucking him off, even though he'd been exhausted to death days ago.

What do you get after looking at bimbo porn and watching a Cronenberg movie? This story!

Poster Gal (published: April 18, 2007)

For hours, she had been happily rearranging the posters on her walls in order to accommodate the huge new poster that she had gotten earlier that day

Although her hands bled and bone peaked through her fingertips, she kept going, for their were only a few more posters to go until the room looked perfect.

Based on the time I got a brand new Agent Smith poster and a Hybrid Theory CD in the same day, and when I was done putting up the poster my hands were raw and bloody
Alternate Titles: True Enthusiasm

Junji Ito Ripoff (published: January 26, 2009)

She thought it was a funny coincidence when she got a kidney transplant from a girl in her class.

But when she got home, and realized she looked a lot more like the girl, she began to feel something was horribly off

"Three conspiracy theorists walk into a bar, you can't tell me that's a coincidence!"