If you clicked this, chances are you're trying to figure out why some Hugonuts spell the word "dirty" weird. This page serves to explain what a "deirty girl" is, their history, and provide links to the dictionary pages^^
If we wanna go WAY back, here's Tanathir, the creator of "deirt"'s geocities, tripod, and mycricks. Whatever Mycricks is...What It Is 2 Deirt
Deirty Girls are Hugonuts unafraid to express their wickedly playful, slightly slutty nature. They can be identified by their eccentric but ornery personalities, obsession with grapes, and obviously, their strange attraction to Hugo Weaving.
Despite the name, not all deirty girls are female; in fact there are more male deirty kids than ever right now. Like mai fren Damian, mai other fren Mort (tho i dont rly know wat dat creature iz), n yet ANOTHER friend, whom im just gonna call The Godly Virus 4 now.
Deirty Girls have a lot of identifiers that make them easy to recognize amongst other deirty girls whilst still blending in w humans (that's right!...we can't b certain if deirty girls r human!)
Deirty Histories
Deirtiness as a concept actually started before Hugo Weaving had any importance. The "OG Deirty Girl and what Shade claims 2 b teh founding mother of scene", Tanathir's mother, Naomi was a tomboy who was considered a very dirty girl by a lot of ppl who knew her as a kid.This never stopped. A lot of deirty girls suffer this misfortune 2 dis very day. Personally, by the time the day's done, Im COATED in pet hair!
Sometime before 9/11 happened, Tanathir discovered Hugo Weaving existed and immediately fell head-over-heels in LOVE, thus making a lot of girls follow in her footsteps.
The way dirty is pronounced the way it is is from an interview from The Matrix Reloaded, in which Hugo Weaving describes the fight with Morpheus in the bathroom as a "dirty, deirty fight", however his accent leaks through, therefore making it sounds like he says "deirty" ^^
The reason a lot of deirty girls are obsessed with grapes is because NUDES. Yep, that's right, Hugo Weaving's got his noodiez leaked b4! In a 1998 magazine, he proved guys w small schlonguses are also awesome. However, I refuse to accept dat his schlongus iz small and believe he has female genitals instead...an oddly comforting thought...Credits to this flickr user 4 posting them in all their glory!
Here's the dictionary by da way!